
由Yejianfei在話題達伊沙宜易伊斯蘭國上作出的最新留言:八 年前


文中「萬國嗔之」一句,雖所言屬實,然若有引據,則益善。- I am Davidzdh. 二〇一五年三月二五日 (三) 一二時〇一分 (UTC)回覆


達伊沙乃汙稱,係回回國家不滿其行所致,為保中立,應定名為其正式之稱伊斯蘭國-- 二〇一五年一二月二四日 (四) 一二時二二分 (UTC)回覆

While the use of one or the other acronym has been subject of a debate, the distinction between the two and its relevancy has been considered as not so great. Of greater relevancy is Daesh, an acronym of ISIL's untranslated Arabic name al-Dawlah al-Islamīyah fī al-ʻIrāq wa-al-Shām. Daesh, or Da'ish, has been widely used by ISIL's Arabic-speaking detractors, while – and to a certain extent because – it is considered derogatory, resembling the Arabic words Daes (lit. "one who crushes – or tramples down – something underfoot"), and Dāhis (loosely translated: "one who sows discord"). Within areas under their control, ISIS therefore considers the use of the acronym Daesh punishable with flogging or cutting out of the tongue.


使用哪個詞作為縮寫成了辯論的話題。這兩種與它相關的看上去都不是很好。當然相關性最強的是Daesh,它是ISIL的未翻譯的阿拉伯文名字al-Dawlah al-Islamīyah fī al-ʻIrāq wa-al-Shām的縮寫。Daesh或者Da'ish,被使用阿拉伯語的ISIL反對者廣泛使用,但是它在一定程度上被認為帶有貶義,因為它與阿拉伯語單詞Daes(字面意思:用腳踩碎者)和Dāhis(寬鬆翻譯:播種不和諧者)相近。所以,在他們的控制區,ISIS認為使用Daesh作為縮寫是可以受到割掉舌頭的懲罰的。

--Yejianfei (talk) 二〇一五年一二月二六日 (六) 一六時一一分 (UTC)回覆
