「維基大典:用戶介面翻譯/MessagesZh classical.php」:各本之異

刪去的內容 新增的內容
SVN revision 24258
* Old Chinese / Late Middle Chinese (文言)
* Based on http://zh-classical.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Wikipedia:%E7%94%A8%E6%88%B6%E4%BB%8B%E9%9D%A2%E7%BF%BB%E8%AD%AF/MessagesZh_classical.php&oldid=30887
* @packageaddtogroup MediaWikiLanguage
* @subpackage Language
* Labels of the quickbar settings in Special:Preferences
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== 始 ==
* [http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/HelpManual:Configuration_settings Configuration settings list]
* [http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/HelpManual:FAQ MediaWiki FAQ]
* [http://maillists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/mediawiki-announce MediaWiki release mailing list]",
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# Metadata in edit box
# 衍意
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# All link text and link target definitions of links into project namespace that get used by other message strings, with the exception of user group pages (see grouppage) and the disambiguation template definition (see disambiguations).
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'disclaimerpage' => 'Project:General_disclaimer',
'aboutpage' => '{{ns:project}}:About',
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'tagline' => '語出維基大典,自由之大典矣',
'copyrightpage' => '{{ns:project}}:Copyrights',
'help' => '助',
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'searchbuttoncurrentevents-url' => '尋之天下大事',
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'viewcount' => '此頁$1閱矣',
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'protectedpage' => '此頁錮矣',
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'jumptonavigation' => '嚮',
'jumptosearch' => '索',
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'badaccess-group0' => '子未逮,歉限之。',
'badaccess-group1' => '子非$1,歉限之',
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'badaccess-groups' => 'The action you have requested is limited to users in one of the groups $1.',
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'thisisdeleted' => '還$1或閱之?',
'viewdeleted' => '閱$1之?',
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# General errors
'error' => '有誤',
'errordatabaseerror' => '庫藏有誤',
'databaseerrordberrortext' => '庫藏問語',,或軟體有錯。
'dberrortext' => '庫藏問語誤,或軟體有錯。
MySQL報有誤"<tt>$3: $4</tt>".',
'dberrortextcl' => '庫藏問語有誤,末語道:
MySQL報有誤"$3: $4"',
'noconnect' => '歉哉有變,莫能問庫藏。<br />
'nodb' => '莫能擇$1庫',
'cachederror' => '此為謄本,恐不新也',
'laggedslavemode' => '警兆,此頁不新',
'readonly' => '鎖庫藏',
'enterlockreason' => '何鎖?另附開赦之日。',
'readonlytext' => '或因檢修之故,庫藏鎖矣。莫可撰,亦莫可纂。鎖者告曰:「$1」',
'missingarticle' => '未見"$1",或舊、或刪。若非此情,軟體恐錯,請上報網址。',
'internalerror' => '內誤',
'readonly_lag' => 'The database has been automatically locked while the slave database servers catch up to the master',
'filecopyerror' => '"$1"未可謄至"$2".',
'internalerror' => '內誤',
'filecopyerrorfilerenameerror' => '"$1"未可謄至更為"$2".',
'filerenameerrorfiledeleteerror' => '"$1"未可更為"$2"',
'filedeleteerrorfilenotfound' => '未見"$1"未可刪',
'filenotfoundunexpected' => '未見異數,"$1"="$2".',
'formerror' => '有誤:表未可呈',
'unexpected' => '異數,"$1"="$2".',
'badarticleerror' => '此頁莫為之',
'formerror' => '有誤:表未可呈',
'badarticleerrorcannotdelete' => '此頁或刪矣,不復為之',
'badtitle' => '無此題',
'cannotdelete' => '此頁或刪矣,不復為之',
'badtitletext' => '或別、或缺、或違、或他山謬通,此題不存。',
'badtitle' => '無此題',
'perfdisabled' => '歉哉,此舉累甚,他恐不得,故封也。',
'badtitletext' => '或別、或缺、或違、或他山謬通,此題不存。',
'perfdisabledperfcached' => '歉哉下為謄本此舉累甚,他恐不得,故封也。',
'perfdisabledsubperfcachedts' => '下為謄本$1已新之。', # obsolete?
'perfcached' => '下為謄本,恐不新。',
'perfcachedts' => '下為謄本,$1已新之。',
'wrong_wfQuery_params' => 'wfQuery()參數有誤<br />
函式: $1<br />
問語: $2',
'viewsource' => '覽本源案碼',
'viewsourcefor' => '$1',
'namespaceprotected' => "舉凡'''$1'''者,爾無權耳,莫之能修。",
'protectedtext' => '此頁鎖矣,謝絕纂修;閱之、謄之自由也。',
'protectedinterface' => '此頁司版面,錮之以遠濫。',
'editinginterface' => "'''警示:'''此頁司版面,一人易之眾人動,懇請戒慎之。",
'sqlhidden' => '藏SQL問語',
# Login and logout pages
'logouttitle' => '去簿',
'logouttext' => '<strong>子去簿矣</strong><br />
'logouttitle' => '去簿',
'logouttext' => '<strong>子去簿矣</strong><br />
'welcomecreation' => '== $1大駕光臨! ==
'welcomecreation' => "== $1大駕光臨! ==
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'yourname' => '名',
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'loginproblem' => '<b>登簿有誤</b><br />請再之',
'yourpasswordagain' => '復核符節',
'alreadyloggedin' => '<strong>$1登簿矣</strong><br />',
'remembermypassword' => '記之',
'yourdomainnamelogin' => 'Your domain登簿',
'loginprompt' => '登簿{{SITENAME}}須cookies,請釋之.',
'externaldberror' => 'There was either an external authentication database error or you are not allowed to update your external account.',
'userlogin' => '登簿/增簿',
'loginproblem' => '<b>登簿有誤</b><br />請再之',
'logout' => '去簿',
'alreadyloggedin' => "<strong>$1登簿矣</strong><br />",
'userlogout' => '去簿',
'loginnotloggedin' => '尚未登簿',
'nologin' => '$1無簿乎?',
'loginprompt' => '登簿{{SITENAME}須cookies,請釋之}.',
'userloginnologinlink' => '登簿 / 增簿',
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'userlogoutgotaccount' => '$1有簿矣乎?',
'notloggedingotaccountlink' => '尚未登簿',
'createaccountmail' => '同電郵',
'nologin' => '$1無簿乎?',
'badretype' => '符節不合',
'nologinlink' => '增簿',
'userexists' => '簿名存矣,請更之',
'createaccount' => '增簿',
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'gotaccount' => '$1有簿矣乎?',
'gotaccountlinkusername' => '簿名:',
'uid' => '名:',
'createaccountmail' => '同電郵',
'yourrealname' => '實名:',
'badretype' => '符節不合',
'yourlanguage' => '語言:',
'userexists' => '簿名存矣,請更之',
'yourvariant' => '變字:',
'youremail' => '電郵*',
'yournick' => '號:',
'username' => '簿名',
'email' => '電郵',
'uid' => '名',
'prefs-help-realname' => '本名可略也。若爾供,則用以註汝之作。',
'yourrealname' => '本名',
'loginerror' => '登簿有誤',
'yourlanguage' => '語',
'prefs-help-email' => '電郵可略也。以此通他人,或於共議處匿論。',
'yourvariant' => 'Variant',
'nocookiesnew' => '簿已增而未登。登簿{{SITENAME}}須cookies,請釋之後登。',
'yournick' => '暱名',
'nocookieslogin' => '登簿{{SITENAME}}須cookies,請釋之後登。',
'badsig' => 'Invalid raw signature; check HTML tags.',
'noname' => '簿名缺',
'email' => '電郵',
'loginsuccesstitle' => '登簿成矣',
'prefs-help-email-enotif' => '信遣此',
'loginsuccess' => "'''$1'''登簿{{SITENAME}}矣",
'prefs-help-realname' => '*本名,可略: if you choose to provide it this will be used for giving you attribution for your work.',
'nosuchuser' => '查無"$1",請核之或增簿。',
'loginerror' => '登簿有誤',
'nosuchusershort' => '查無"$1",請核之。',
'prefs-help-email' => '*電郵,可略:以此通他人,或於共議處匿論',
'nouserspecified' => '須簿名',
'nocookiesnew' => '簿已增而未登。登簿{{SITENAME}}須cookies,請釋之後登。',
'wrongpassword' => '符節不合,請核之。',
'nocookieslogin' => '登簿{{SITENAME}}須cookies,請釋之後登。',
'wrongpasswordempty' => '缺符節,請補之。',
'noname' => '簿名缺',
'mailmypassword' => '遣吾符節',
'loginsuccesstitle' => '登簿成矣',
'loginsuccesspasswordremindertitle' => "'''$1'''登簿符節遣自{{SITENAME}}矣"',
'passwordremindertext' => '$1求遣{{SITENAME}}($4)"$2"符節於此,係"$3"。
'nosuchuser' => '查無"$1",請核之或增簿。',
'nosuchusershort' => '查無"$1",請核之。',
'nouserspecified' => '須簿名',
'wrongpassword' => '符節不合,請核之。',
'wrongpasswordempty' => '缺符節,請補之。',
'mailmypassword' => '遣吾符節',
'passwordremindertitle' => '符節遣自{{SITENAME}}',
'passwordremindertext' => '$1求遣{{SITENAME}}($4)"$2"符節於此,係"$3"。
'noemail' => '"$1"無存址',
'passwordsent' => '符節遣$1矣",請復登之。',
'eauthentsent' => '核文遣矣。子循以核之,簿方可活。',
'loginendmailerror' => '$1信未遣之',
'signupend' => '{{int:loginend}}',
'mailerror' => '$1信未遣之',
'acct_creation_throttle_hit' => '歉哉,$1在矣,不可復增。',
'emailauthenticated' => '$1郵驛證矣',
'emailnotauthenticated' => '郵驛<strong>未證</strong>,下不遺書。',
'noemailprefs' => '下需郵驛:',
'emailconfirmlink' => '請考郵驛',
'invalidemailaddress' => '驛址不格,請正之或空白。',
'accountcreated' => '簿增矣',
'accountcreatedtext' => '$1簿增矣',
# Edit page toolbar
'bold_sample' => '粗體',
'bold_tip' => '粗體',
'italic_sample' => '斜體',
'italic_tip' => '斜體',
'link_sample' => '通',
'link_tip' => '通內',
'extlink_sampleextlink_tip' => 'http://www.example.com以通外',
'headline_sample' => '題',
'headline_sampleheadline_tip' => '題',
'math_sample' => '此書方程式',
'math_samplemath_tip' => '此書數學方程式(LaTeX)',
'nowiki_sample' => '此不排版',
'nowiki_samplenowiki_tip' => '不排維基之版',
'image_tip' => '嵌圖',
'media_tip' => '通影音檔',
'sig_tip' => '署之與時',
'hr_tip' => '縱線,慎用之',
# Edit pages
'summary' => '概',
'summarysubject' => '',
'minoredit' => '此乃小改',
'subject' => '題',
'watchthis' => '派哨',
'minoredit' => '校',
'savearticle' => '儲存',
'watchthis' => '派哨',
'preview' => '預覽',
'savearticle' => '儲',
'previewshowpreview' => '預覽',
'showpreviewshowlivepreview' => '覽',
'showdiff' => '示異',
'showlivepreview' => '即覽',
'anoneditwarning' => "'''警:'''子未登簿,IP將誌。",
'showdiff' => '辨異',
'anoneditwarningmissingsummary' => "''''醒:'''子未登簿,IP將誌概之,復存之則文倍焉。",
'missingcommenttext' => '請贊之',
'missingsummary' => "'''醒:'''子未概之,復存之則文倍焉。",
'blockedtitle' => '子見禁',
'missingcommenttext' => '請贊之',
'blockedtitleblockedtext' => "<big>'''子名、IP見禁',''</big>
'blockedtext' => "<big>'''子名、IP見禁。'''</big>
禁者$1也, 因''$2''故

終止之時為:$6<br />

'blockedoriginalsource' => " '''$1'''本源如下:",
'blockededitsource' => "子'''$1纂文'''如下:",
'whitelistedittitle' => '登簿以纂',
'whitelistedittext' => '$1後方可纂文。',
'whitelistreadtitle' => '登簿以閱',
'whitelistreadtext' => '[[Special:Userlogin|登簿]]後方可閱。',
'whitelistacctitle' => '拒增此簿',
'whitelistacctext' => '欲增此簿,[[Special:Userlogin|登簿]]求允',
'confirmedittitle' => '證驛以纂',
'confirmedittext' => '驛證方可纂文。請見[[Special:Preferences|簿註]]。',
'loginreqtitle' => '須登簿',
'loginreqlink' => '登簿',
'loginreqpagetext' => '$1以覽它頁。',
'accmailtitle' => '符節傳矣',
'accmailtext' => '"$1"符節傳$2矣',
'newarticle' => '撰',
'newarticletext' => '此頁尚缺。欲補,撰於下,有惑見[[{{ns:help}}:Contents|助]]。
'anontalkpagetext' => "----''此乃匿名論壇,為未簿或不簿者設,所言俱錄IP以辨人焉。然IP不獨有,恐生亂象,不喜請[[Special:Userlogin|登簿]]以遠之。",
'newarticletextanon' => '{{int:newarticletext}}',
'noarticletext' => '此頁無文。子可 [[{{ns:special}}:Search/{{PAGENAME}}|尋同題]],或[{{fullurl:{{FULLPAGENAME}}|action=edit}} 撰新文]。',
'talkpagetext' => '<!-- MediaWiki:talkpagetext -->',
'clearyourcache' => "'''註:'''重取頁面,文方新焉。
'anontalkpagetext' => "----''此乃匿名論壇,為未簿或不簿者設,所言俱錄IP以辨人焉。然IP不獨有,恐生亂象,不喜請[[Special:Userlogin|登簿]]以遠之。",
'''Mozilla / Firefox / Safari:'''押''Shift''並點''重新載入'',或合鍵''Ctrl-Shift-R''(Apple Mac為''Cmd-Shift-R'')。
'noarticletext' => '此頁無文。子可 [[{{ns:special}}:Search/{{PAGENAME}}|尋同題]],或[{{fullurl:{{FULLPAGENAME}}|action=edit}} 撰新文]。',
'noarticletextanon' => '{{int:noarticletext}}',
'clearyourcache' => "'''註:'''重取頁面,文方新焉。
'''Mozilla / Firefox / Safari:'''押''Shift''並點''重新載入'',或合鍵''Ctrl-Shift-R''(Apple Mac為''Cmd-Shift-R'')。
'usercssjsyoucanpreview' => '<strong>訣:</strong>CSS/JS應先預覽而後存。',
'usercsspreview' => "'''預覽CSS,尚未儲焉。'''",
'userjspreview' => "'''預覽JavaScript,尚未儲焉。'''",
'userinvalidcssjstitle' => "'''警:'''\"\$1\"無此面版。自製者,全名務小寫,如User:Foo/monobook.css 而非User:Foo/Monobook.css",
'updated' => '()',
'note' => '<strong>註</strong>',
'previewnote' => '<strong>此乃預覽,尚未儲焉。</strong>',
'session_fail_preview' => '<strong>歉哉有變,子纂未存焉,請再之。如復不成,簿重登焉。</strong>',
'previewconflict' => 'This preview reflects the text in the upper text editing area as it will appear if you choose to save.',
'session_fail_preview_html' => "<strong>歉哉有變,子纂未存焉</strong>
'token_suffix_mismatch' => '<strong>君修見拒,蓋因代理之故,亂事見兮。</strong>',
'importing' => '匯入$1',
'editingimporting' => '匯入$1',
'editing' => '纂$1',
'editinguser' => '<b>$1</b>正纂之',
'editinguser' => '<b>$1</b>正纂之',
'editingsection' => '纂節$1',
'editingcommenteditingsection' => '纂節$1',
'editconflicteditingcomment' => '纂沖$1',
'editconflict' => '纂沖$1',
'explainconflict' => '子纂與他人沖,上者時也,下者子也,望子合之。
註,<b>惟</b>上文儲焉<br />',
'yourtext' => '子也',
'storedversion' => '時也',
'nonunicodebrowser' => "'<strong>警:子之瀏覽器不允萬國碼,以十六進位數代之,以保纂可也。</strong>"',
'editingold' => "<strong>'''警'''子纂已舊。如強儲之,則新易盡失矣。</strong>",
'yourdiff' => '',
'copyrightwarning' => '{{SITENAME}}全文皆循$2,詳見$1。若不喜己文它變,但去可矣。文務親撰,或謄公本,
'copyrightwarning2' => '{{SITENAME}}全文,允眾人撰、纂、刪、校。如不喜己文它變,但去可矣。<br />
'longpagewarning' => "'<strong>警:此頁長$1仟位元組,逾卅二,瀏覽器恐不盡堪,望子縮之、斷之。<strong>"',
'longpageerror' => "'<strong>警:子文長$1仟位元組,越限$2,未能儲焉。</strong>"',
'readonlywarning' => '<strong>警:檢修之故,庫藏鎖,存儲封矣。子自備之而後用。</strong>',
'protectedpagewarning' => "'<strong>警:庫藏鎖矣,惟有秩得纂之。</strong>"',
'semiprotectedpagewarning' => "'''註'''庫藏鎖矣,惟登簿得纂之。",
'templatesused' => '此文所模:',
'nocreatetitle' => '新題見禁',
'edittools' => '<!-- Text here will be shown below edit and upload forms. -->',
'nocreatetext' => '新題見禁,惟舊可修。可赦之以[[Special:Userlogin|登簿、增簿]]。',
'nocreatetitle' => '新題見禁',
'nocreatetext' => '新題見禁,惟舊可修。可赦之以[[Special:Userlogin|登簿、增簿]]。',
# Account creation failure
'cantcreateaccounttitle' => '新簿莫增',
'cantcreateaccounttext' => '子之IP <b>$1</b> 疑嘗惡,故見封。',
# History pages
'revhistory' => '頁誌',
'revhistoryviewpagelogs' => '誌審',
'viewpagelogsnohistory' => '此題無',
'nohistoryrevnotfound' => '此題無誌本覓不得',
'revnotfoundtext' => '君所求之舊本覓不得,請君核所使之網址。',
'revnotfound' => '此題無審',
'loadhist' => '正取誌…',
'revnotfoundtext' => "審無尋,請校網址。",
'currentrev' => '今審',
'loadhist' => '正取誌…',
'currentrevrevisionasof' => '$1審',
'revisionasofpreviousrevision' => '$1審←舊本',
'nextrevision' => '新本→',
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'previousrevisioncurrentrevisionlink' => '審',
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釋,(今):與今審辨;(;():):與前審辨, M:校',
'history_copyrightdeletedrev' => '-[刪矣]',
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'historyempty' => '(空)',
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'rev-deleted-user' => '(此簿刪矣)',
# Revision feed
'history-feed-title' => '誌審',
'history-feed-description' => '維基誌審',
'history-feed-item-nocomment' => '$1於$2', # user at time
'history-feed-empty' => '此頁不存,或刪、或更。類[[Special:Search|由此尋]]',
# Revision deletion
'rev-deleted-comment' => '(此註刪矣)',
'rev-deleted-user' => '(此簿刪矣)',
'rev-deleted-text-permission' => '<div class="mw-warning plainlinks">
'rev-deleted-text-view' => '<div class="mw-warning plainlinks">
此審刪矣,惟有秩可見之,詳見[{{fullurl:Special:Log/delete|page={{PAGENAMEE}}}} 誌刪].
#'rev-delundel' => '/',
'revisiondelete' => '刪、還審',
'rev-delundel' => '見/藏',
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'historyrevdelete-feednooldid-titletext' => '未擇,不可為之。',
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'history-feed-description' => '維基誌審',
'revdelete-text' => '刪審雖見誌,其文摒公眾,惟有秩可得之。無規則有秩可復還焉。',
'history-feed-item-nocomment' => '$1於$2', # user at time
'revdelete-legend' => '審,規之以:',
'history-feed-empty' => '此頁不存,或刪、或更。類[[Special:Search|由此尋]]',
'revdelete-hide-text' => '藏審文',
'revdelete-hide-comment' => '藏贊',
# Revision deletion
'revdelete-hide-user' => '簿、IP以藏',
'revdelete-log' => '誌贊:',
'revisiondelete' => '刪、還審',
'revdelete-nooldid-titlesubmit' => '無此使之',
'revdelete-nooldid-text' => '審未擇,不可為之。',
'revdelete-selected' => '審[[:$1]]已擇。',
'revdelete-text' => "刪審雖見誌,其文摒公眾,惟有秩可得之。無規則有秩可復還焉。",
'revdelete-legend' => '審,規之以:',
'revdelete-hide-text' => '藏審文',
'revdelete-hide-comment' => '藏贊',
'revdelete-hide-user' => '簿、IP以藏',
'revdelete-hide-restricted' => 'Apply these restrictions to sysops as well as others',
'revdelete-log' => '誌贊:',
'revdelete-submit' => '擇審使之',
'revdelete-logentry' => 'changed revision visibility for [[$1]]',
# Diffs
'difference' => '(辨異)',
'differenceloadingrev' => '(取審以異)',
'lineno' => '列$1:',
'loadingrev' => '取審以辨…',
'editcurrent' => '纂今審',
'lineno' => "列$1:",
'editcurrent' => '纂今審',
'selectnewerversionfordiff' => '擇一新以辨',
'selectolderversionfordiff' => '擇一舊以辨',
'compareselectedversions' => '辨所擇',
# Search results
'searchresults' => '得尋',
'searchresulttext' => '何索{{SITENAME}},詳見[[{{ns:project}}:Searching|索{{SITENAME}}]]。',
'searchresults' => '得尋',
'searchsubtitle' => "'''[[:$1]]'''尋焉",
'searchresulttext' => "何索{{SITENAME}},詳見[[{{ns:project}}:Searching|索{{SITENAME}}]]。",
'searchsubtitle' => "'''[[:$1]]'''尋焉",
'searchsubtitleinvalid' => "'''$1'''索焉",
'badquery' => '問尋有誤',
'badquerytext' => '無尋也,蓋字節短於三,或謬焉。請更之再試。',
'matchtotals' => "\'"$1\"者,合$2題與$3文"',
'noexactmatch' => "'''無題曰\"\$1\"'''。子可[[:\$1|撰之]]。",
'titlematches' => '合題',
'notitlematches' => '無題合',
'textmatches' => '合文',
'notextmatches' => '無文合',
'prevn' => "'前$1"',
'nextn' => "'次$1"',
'viewprevnext' => "'($1)1) ($2)2) ($3)3)."',
'showingresults' => "'見<b>$1</b>尋,自<b>$2</b>始"',
'showingresultsnum' => "'見<b>$3</b>尋,自<b>$2</b>.始"',
'powersearch' => '索',
'nonefound' => "'''註:'''Unsuccessful searches are
often caused by searching for common words like \"have\" and \"from\",
which are not indexed, or by specifying more than one search term (only pages
containing all of the search terms will appear in the result).",
'powersearch' => '索',
'powersearchtext' => "Search in namespaces:<br />$1<br />$2 List redirects<br />Search for $3 $9",
'searchdisabled' => '{{SITENAME}} search is disabled. You can search via Google in the meantime. Note that their indexes of {{SITENAME}} content may be out of date.',
'googlesearch' => '
<form method="get" action="http://www.google.com/search" id="googlesearch">
<input type="hidden" name="domains" value="{{SERVER}}" />
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'blanknamespace' => '(Main)',
# Preferences page
'preferences' => '簿註',
'preferencesmypreferences' => '簿註',
'prefsnologin' => '未登簿',
'preferences-summary' => '',
'prefsnologintext' => '註記須[[Special:Userlogin|登簿]]。',
'mypreferences' => '簿註',
'prefsnologinprefsreset' => '未登簿註重謄',
'changepassword' => '易符節',
'prefsnologintext' => "註記須[[Special:Userlogin|登簿]]。",
'skin' => '面版',
'prefsreset' => '簿註重謄',
'math' => '數學',
'qbsettings' => 'Quickbar',
'dateformat' => '日期格式',
'changepassword' => '易符節',
'skindatedefault' => '面版原註',
'datetime' => '日期時間',
'math' => '數學',
'math_failure' => '譯不成',
'dateformat' => '日期格式',
'math_unknown_error' => '未知之誤',
'datedefault' => '原註',
'math_unknown_function' => '未知函式',
'datetime' => '日期時間',
'math_failuremath_lexing_error' => '譯不成律有誤',
'math_unknown_errormath_syntax_error' => '未知之語法有誤',
'prefs-personal' => '概簿',
'math_unknown_function' => '未知函式',
'prefs-rc' => '近易',
'math_lexing_error' => '律有誤',
'prefs-watchlist' => '哨站',
'math_syntax_error' => '語法有誤',
'prefs-watchlist-days' => '哨報有日',
'math_image_error' => 'PNG conversion failed; check for correct installation of latex, dvips, gs, and convert',
'math_bad_tmpdir' => 'Can\'t write to or create math temp directory',
'math_bad_output' => 'Can\'t write to or create math output directory',
'math_notexvc' => 'Missing texvc executable; please see math/README to configure.',
'prefs-personal' => '概簿',
'prefs-rc' => '近易',
'prefs-watchlist' => '哨站',
'prefs-watchlist-days' => '哨報有日',
'prefs-watchlist-edits' => '哨站有文',
'prefs-misc' => '雜',
'saveprefs' => '儲',
'resetprefs' => '重置',
'oldpassword' => '舊符節:',
'newpassword' => '新符節:',
'retypenew' => '重察新符節再之:',
'textboxsize' => '正纂在修',
'rows' => ':',
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'searchresultshead' => '索',
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'savedprefs' => '簿註書矣',
'recentchangescount' => '近易有題:',
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'savedprefs' => '簿註書矣',
'timezonelegendtimezonetext' => '與伺服器偏',
'timezonetextlocaltime' => '與伺服器偏本地',
'localtimetimezoneoffset' => '本地時偏¹',
'servertime' => '伺服器時',
'timezoneoffset' => '偏¹',
'servertimeguesstimezone' => '伺服瀏覽填之',
'allowemail' => '予收信',
'guesstimezone' => '瀏覽器填之',
'allowemaildefault' => '予收信',
'files' => '檔',
'defaultns' => 'Search in these namespaces by default:',
'default' => '予定',
'files' => '檔',
# User rights
'userrights-lookup-user' => '司社',
'userrights-user-editname' => '簿名:',
'editusergroup' => '治社',
'userrights-editusergroup' => '治社',
'saveusergroups' => '定之',
'userrights-editusergroup' => '治社',
'saveusergroupsuserrights-groupsmember' => '定之有員:',
'userrights-groupsmember' => '有員:',
'userrights-groupsavailable' => '社可治有:',
'userrights-groupshelp' => '揀社以增員、減員,未揀者不變也。欲略之,押Ctrl並左擊。',
# Groups
'group' => '社:',
'group-bot' => '僕',
'group-sysop' => '有秩',
'group-bureaucrat' => '門下',
'group-all' => '()',
'group-bot-member' => '僕',
第七五七行 ⟶ 第六九九行:
'group-bureaucrat-member' => '門下',
'grouppage-bot' => '{{ns:project}}:僕',
'grouppage-sysop' => '{{ns:project}}:有秩',
'grouppage-bureaucrat' => '{{ns:project}}:門下',
# User rights log
'rightsnone' => '(凡)',
# Recent changes
'nchanges' => '$1易',
'changesrecentchanges' => '易',
'recentchangestext' => '大典新易,悉列於此。',
'recentchanges' => '近易',
'rcnote' => '下為自<strong>$3</strong>起,<strong>$2</strong>日內<strong>$1</strong>近易也。',
'recentchanges-url' => 'Special:Recentchanges',
'rcnotefrom' => '下為自<b>$2</b至<b>$1</b>之易也。',
'recentchangestext' => '大典新易,悉列於此。',
'rclistfrom' => '自$1起之易也',
'rcnote' => "下為自<strong>$3</strong>起,<strong>$2</strong>日內<strong>$1</strong>近易也。",
'rcshowhideminor' => '$1校',
'rcnotefrom' => "下為自<b>$2</b至<b>$1</b>之易也。",
'rcshowhidebots' => '$1僕',
'rclistfrom' => "自$1起之易也",
'rcshowhideminorrcshowhideliu' => '$1簿',
'rcshowhidebotsrcshowhideanons' => '$1匿名',
'rcshowhideliurcshowhidepatr' => '$1簿',
'rcshowhideanonsrcshowhidemine' => '$1匿名吾纂',
'rclinks' => '$2日內$1近易。<br />$3',
'rcshowhidepatr' => '$1哨',
'diff' => '辨',
'rcshowhidemine' => '$1吾纂',
'hist' => '誌',
'rclinks' => "$2日內$1近易。<br />$3",
'hide' => '藏',
'diff' => '辨',
'show' => '示',
'hist' => '誌',
'minoreditletter' => '校',
'hide' => '藏',
'newpageletter' => '新',
'show' => '見',
'boteditletter' => '僕',
'minoreditletter' => '校',
'number_of_watching_users_pageview' => '[放有$1哨]',
'newpageletter' => '新',
'rc_categories_any' => '任',
'boteditletter' => '僕',
'sectionlink' => '→',
# Recent changes linked
'number_of_watching_users_RCview' => '[$1]',
'recentchangeslinked' => '鍵出文',
'number_of_watching_users_pageview' => '[放有$1哨]',
'rc_categories' => 'Limit to categories (separate with "|")',
'rc_categories_any' => '任',
# Upload
'upload' => '進獻',
'uploaduploadbtn' => '進獻',
'uploadbtnreupload' => '',
'reuploadreuploaddesc' => '返載',
'uploadnologin' => '未登簿',
'reuploaddesc' => '返載獻',
'uploadnologintext' => '[[Special:Userlogin|登簿]]始可進獻',
'uploadnologin' => '未登簿',
'uploadnologintext' => "[[Special:Userlogin|登簿]]始可進獻",
'upload_directory_read_only' => '目錄$1禁入,無可獻。',
'uploaderror' => '進獻有變',
'uploadtext' => "下表以獻,[[Special:Imagelist|載獻]]覽之。或見[[Special:Log/upload|誌獻]]。
'uploadlog' => '誌獻',
'uploadlogpage' => '誌獻',
'uploadlogpagetext' => '近獻如下:',
'filename' => '名',
'filedesc' => '概',
'fileuploadsummary' => '概:',
'filestatus' => '授權',
'filesource' => '源',
'uploadedfiles' => '進獻',
'copyrightpage' => "Project:Copyrights",
'ignorewarning' => '強儲之。',
'copyrightpagename' => "{{SITENAME}} copyright",
'ignorewarnings' => '警略。',
'uploadedfiles' => '進獻',
'ignorewarningminlength1' => '強儲之名務逾一字元。',
'illegalfilename' => '名"$1"不格,更之再焉。',
'ignorewarnings' => '警略。',
'minlengthbadfilename' => '務逾三字元"$1".',
'large-file' => '檔長$2仟位元組,不逾$1為佳。',
'illegalfilename' => '名"$1"不格,更之再焉。',
'emptyfile' => '無以獻,疑謬名也,請核之。',
'badfilename' => '更名"$1。".',
'fileexists' => '$1存矣,欲蓋之則再也。',
'badfiletype' => "\".$1\"格不適。",
'successfulupload' => '君成功置檔案於此',
'largefile' => '檔長$2仟位元組,不逾$1為佳。',
'sourcefilename' => '源名',
'emptyfile' => '無以獻,疑謬名也,請核之。',
'destfilename' => '欲置檔名',
'fileexists' => '$1存矣,欲蓋之則再也。',
'watchthisupload' => '派哨',
'fileexists-forbidden' => 'A file with this name exists already; please go back and upload this file under a new name. [[Image:$1|thumb|center|$1]]',
'fileexists-shared-forbidden' => 'A file with this name exists already in the shared file repository; please go back and upload this file under a new name. [[Image:$1|thumb|center|$1]]',
'successfulupload' => '君成功置檔案於此',
'fileuploaded' => "File $1 uploaded successfully.
Please follow this link: $2 to the description page and fill
in information about the file, such as where it came from, when it was
created and by whom, and anything else you may know about it. If this is an image, you can insert it like this: <tt><nowiki>[[Image:$1|thumb|Description]]</nowiki></tt>",
'uploadwarning' => 'Upload warning',
'savefile' => 'Save file',
'uploadedimage' => "uploaded \"[[$1]]\"",
'uploaddisabled' => 'Uploads disabled',
'uploaddisabledtext' => 'File uploads are disabled on this wiki.',
'uploadscripted' => 'This file contains HTML or script code that may be erroneously be interpreted by a web browser.',
'uploadcorrupt' => 'The file is corrupt or has an incorrect extension. Please check the file and upload again.',
'uploadvirus' => 'The file contains a virus! Details: $1',
'sourcefilename' => '源名',
'destfilename' => '欲置檔名',
'watchthisupload' => '派哨',
'filewasdeleted' => 'A file of this name has been previously uploaded and subsequently deleted. You should check the $1 before proceeding to upload it again.',
'license-nopreview' => 'Licensing(預覽無視也)',
'nolicense' => 'None selected',
'upload_source_url' => ' (a valid, publicly accessible URL)',
'upload_source_file' => ' (a file on your computer)',
# Image list
'ilsubmit' => '尋',
'byname' => '以名',
'imagelist' => 'File list',
'bydate' => '以日',
'imagelisttext' => "Below is a list of '''$1''' {{plural:$1|file|files}} sorted $2.",
'bysize' => '以量',
'imagelistforuser' => "This shows only images uploaded by $1.",
'imgdelete' => '刪',
'getimagelist' => 'fetching file list',
'imghistory' => '圖像沿革',
'ilsubmit' => '尋',
'deleteimg' => '刪',
'showlast' => 'Show last $1 files sorted $2.',
'imagelinks' => '通',
'byname' => '以名',
'shareduploadwiki' => '欲知更多,請詳閱$1。',
'bydate' => '以日',
'shareduploadwiki-linktext' => '文件描述頁',
'bysize' => '以量',
'imgdeleteimagelist_date' => '',
'imgdescimagelist_name' => 'desc',
'imgfileimagelist_user' => 'file簿',
'imagelist_size' => '量(位元組)',
'imglegend' => 'Legend: (desc) = show/edit file description.',
'imagelist_description' => '述',
'imghistory' => 'File history',
'imagelist_search_for' => '以圖名尋:',
'revertimg' => 'rev',
'deleteimg' => '刪',
'deleteimgcompletely' => 'Delete all revisions of this file',
'imghistlegend' => 'Legend: (cur) = this is the current file, (del) = delete
this old version, (rev) = revert to this old version.
<br /><i>Click on date to see the file uploaded on that date</i>.',
'imagelinks' => '通',
'linkstoimage' => 'The following pages link to this file:',
'nolinkstoimage' => 'There are no pages that link to this file.',
'sharedupload' => 'This file is a shared upload and may be used by other projects.',
'shareduploadwiki' => 'Please see the $1 for further information.',
'shareduploadwiki-linktext' => 'file description page',
'shareddescriptionfollows' => '-',
'noimage' => 'No file by this name exists, you can $1.',
'noimage-linktext' => 'upload it',
'uploadnewversion-linktext' => 'Upload a new version of this file',
'imagelist_date' => '時',
'imagelist_name' => '名',
'imagelist_user' => '簿',
'imagelist_size' => '量(位元組)',
'imagelist_description' => '述',
'imagelist_search_for' => '以圖名尋:',
# Unwatched pages
# Mime search
'mimesearch' => 'MIME search',
'mimetype' => 'MIME type:',
'download' => 'download',
# Unwatchedpages
'unwatchedpages' => '無哨',
# List redirects
'listredirects' => 'List redirects',
# Unused templates
'unusedtemplates' => 'Unused templates',
'unusedtemplatestext' => 'This page lists all pages in the template namespace which are not included in another page. Remember to check for other links to the templates before deleting them.',
'unusedtemplateswlh' => 'other links',
# Random redirect
'randomredirect' => 'Random redirect',
# Statistics
'statistics' => '統計',
'statisticssitestats' => '{{SITENAME}}統計',
'sitestatsuserstats' => '{{SITENAME}}統計有簿者',
'sitestatstext' => "庫藏共'''$1'''頁,除議、釋、芻文、轉與不濟者,有足文$2、獻品'''$8'''。
'userstats' => '統計有簿者',
'sitestatstext' => "庫藏共'''$1'''頁,除議、釋、芻文、轉與不濟者,有足文$2、獻品'''$8'''。
[http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Help:Job_queue job queue]長'''$7'''",
'userstatstext' => "有簿者'''$1''',中有'''$2'''人為$5,計有百分之'''$4'''。",
'statistics-mostpopular' => '首博之頁',
'disambiguations' => '釋義',
'disambiguationspage' => 'Template:disambig',
'disambiguationstext' => "The following pages link to a <i>正義</i>. They should link to the appropriate topic instead.<br />A page is treated as disambiguation if it is linked from $1.<br />Links from other namespaces are <i>not</i> listed here.",
'doubleredirects' => '複轉',
'doubleredirectstext' => "Each row contains links to the first and second redirect, as well as the first line of the second redirect text, usually giving the \"real\" target page, which the first redirect should point to.",
'brokenredirects' => '斷轉',
'brokenredirectstext' => '不通',
'brokenredirects' => '斷轉',
'brokenredirectstext' => '不通',
# Miscellaneous special pages
'nbytes' => '$1位元組',
'nbytesncategories' => '$1位元組',
'ncategoriesnlinks' => '$1',
'nlinksnmembers' => '$1簿',
'nmembersnrevisions' => '$1簿',
'nrevisionsnviews' => '$1',
'nviewslonelypages' => '$1閱孤頁',
'lonelypagestext' => '此頁無通',
'uncategorizedpages' => '門無屬',
'uncategorizedcategories' => '此門未屬焉',
'uncategorizedimages' => '圖無屬',
'unusedcategories' => '此圖未屬焉',
'popularpages' => '膾炙',
'wantedcategories' => '缺門',
'wantedpages' => '缺頁',
'mostrevisions' => '首審之文',
'allpages' => '全頁',
'randompage' => '清風翻書',
'shortpages' => '短頁',
'longpages' => '長頁',
'listusers' => '盡列有簿',
'specialpages' => '奇頁',
'spheading' => '眾可觀之非凡頁',
'restrictedpheading' => '含禁忌之非凡頁',
'newpages' => '新頁',
'newpages-username' => '名:',
'ancientpages' => '舊頁',
'intl' => '通他語',
'move' => '遷',
'movethispage' => '遷此頁',
'lonelypages' => 孤頁',
'lonelypagestext' => '此頁無通',
'uncategorizedpages' => '門無屬',
'uncategorizedcategories' => '此門未屬焉',
'uncategorizedimages' => '圖無屬',
'unusedcategories' => '此圖未屬焉',
'unusedimages' => 'Unused files',
'popularpages' => '膾炙',
'wantedcategories' => '缺門',
'wantedpages' => '缺頁',
'mostlinked' => 'Most linked to pages',
'mostlinkedcategories' => 'Most linked to categories',
'mostcategories' => 'Articles with the most categories',
'mostimages' => 'Most linked to images',
'mostrevisions' => '首審之文',
'allpages' => '全頁',
'allpages-summary' => '',
'prefixindex' => 'Prefix index',
'randompage' => '清風翻書',
'randompage-url'=> 'Special:Random',
'shortpages' => '短頁',
'longpages' => '長頁',
'longpages-summary' => '',
'deadendpages' => 'Dead-end pages',
'deadendpagestext' => 'The following pages do not link to other pages in this wiki.',
'listusers' => '盡列有簿',
'listusers-summary' => '',
'specialpages' => '奇頁',
'specialpages-summary' => '',
'spheading' => '白奇',
'restrictedpheading' => '密奇',
'recentchangeslinked' => '鍵出文',
'rclsub' => "(to pages linked from \"$1\")",
'newpages' => '新頁',
'newpages-username' => '名:',
'ancientpages' => '舊頁',
'intl' => '通他語',
'move' => '遷',
'movethispage' => '遷此頁',
'unusedimagestext' => '<p>Please note that other web sites may link to an image with
a direct URL, and so may still be listed here despite being
in active use.</p>',
'unusedcategoriestext' => 'The following category pages exist although no other article or category make use of them.',
'booksources' => 'Book sources',
'booksources-summary' => '',
'categoriespagetext' => '大典有門:',
'dataversion' => 'Data',
'userrights' => 'User rights management',
'groups' => 'User groups',
'booksourcetext' => "Below is a list of links to other sites that
sell new and used books, and may also have further information
about books you are looking for.",
'isbn' => 'ISBN',
'rfcurl' => 'http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc$1.txt',
'pubmedurl' => 'http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=pubmed&dopt=Abstract&list_uids=$1',
'alphaindexline' => "$1 to $2",
'version' => '版',
'log' => '誌',
'alllogstext' => 'Combined display of upload, deletion, protection, blocking, and sysop logs.
You can narrow down the view by selecting a log type, the user name, or the affected page.',
'logempty' => 'No matching items in log.',
# Special:Log
'specialloguserlabel' => '有簿:',
'speciallogtitlelabel' => '題:',
'log' => '誌',
'logempty' => '無是項存稿。',
# Special:Allpages
'nextpage' => '次頁,$1',
'allpagesfrom' => '見頁自:',
'allarticles' => '全文',
'allinnamespace' => '全頁($1 namespace)領域者)',
'allnotinnamespace' => '全頁(not in (非$1 namespace)領域者)',
'allpagesprev' => '前',
'allpagesnext' => '次',
'allpagessubmit' => '往',
'allpagesprefix' => '見頁冠以:',
'allpagesbadtitle' => 'The given page title was invalid or had an inter-language or inter-wiki prefix. It may contain one more characters which cannot be used in titles.',
# Special:Listusers
'listusersfrom' => '列有簿自:',
'listusers-submit' => '示',
# E this-mail user
'mailnologin' => '無驛',
'mailnologintext' => '[[Special:Userlogin|登簿]方可遺書。]
'mailnologin' => '無驛',
'mailnologintext' => "[[Special:Userlogin|登簿]方可遺書。]
and have a valid e-mail address in your [[Special:Preferences|preferences]]
to send e-mail to other users."',
'emailuser' => '遺是君書',
'emailpage' => '遺書',
'defemailsubject' => '{{SITENAME}}有信',
'emailpagetext' => 'If this user has entered a valid e-mail address in
'noemailtitle' => '無驛',
his or her user preferences, the form below will send a single message.
'emailfrom' => '自',
The e-mail address you entered in your user preferences will appear
'emailto' => '至',
as the "From" address of the mail, so the recipient will be able
'emailsubject' => '題',
to reply.',
'emailmessage' => '訊',
'usermailererror' => 'Mail object returned error:',
'emailsend' => '遣',
'defemailsubject' => "{{SITENAME}}有信",
'noemailtitleemailsent' => '無驛信遣矣',
'emailsenttext' => '信遣矣',
'noemailtext' => 'This user has not specified a valid e-mail address,
or has chosen not to receive e-mail from other users.',
'emailfrom' => '自',
'emailto' => '至',
'emailsubject' => '題',
'emailmessage' => '訊',
'emailsend' => '遣',
'emailsent' => '信遣矣',
'emailsenttext' => '信遣矣',
# Watchlist
'watchlist' => '哨站',
'watchlistfor' => "(哨'''$1''')之哨)",
'nowatchlist' => '無哨',
'watchlistanontext' => '$1以治哨',
'watchlistcount' => "'''含議,有哨$1'''",
'clearwatchlistwatchnologin' => '清哨未登簿',
'watchnologintext' => '[[Special:Userlogin|登簿]]以治哨。',
'watchlistcleartext' => '篤撤之??',
'watchlistclearbuttonaddedwatch' => '哨',
'addedwatchtext' => "加哨\"[[:\$1]]\"。後有易、議者可見於[[Special:Watchlist|哨站]],或'''粗體'''醒於[[Special:Recentchanges|列近易]]。
'watchlistcleardone' => '哨清矣。$1哨見撤。',
'watchnologin' => '未登簿',
'watchnologintext' => '[[Special:Userlogin|登簿]]以治哨。',
'addedwatch' => '派哨',
'addedwatchtext' => "加哨\"[[:$1]]\"。後有易、議者可見於[[Special:Watchlist|哨站]],或'''粗體'''醒於[[Special:Recentchanges|列近易]]。
'removedwatch' => "'撤哨',
'removedwatchtext' => "\'"[[:$1]]\"哨已撤。"',
'watch' => '哨',
'watchthispage' => '派哨',
'unwatch' => '無哨',
'unwatchthispage' => '撤哨',
'notanarticle' => '此頁非文',
'watchnochange' => '皆無易也',
'watchdetailswatchlist-details' => '*共有$1哨,不含議論。',
'wlheader-enotif' => '*准報信。',
* [[Special:Watchlist/edit|治哨站]]
'wlheader-showupdated' => "*有易者'''粗體'''。",
* [[Special:Watchlist/清哨]]',
'watchlistcontains' => '哨有$1頁',
'wlheader-enotif' => "*准報信。",
'wlheader-showupdatediteminvalidname' => "*有易者'''粗體''$1'謬名",
'wlnote' => '前<b>$2</b>時有$1者易',
'watchmethod-recent'=> 'checking recent edits for watched pages',
'wlshowlast' => '下為自$1小時;$2天;$3之纂。',
'watchmethod-list' => 'checking watched pages for recent edits',
'wlsaved' => '此為哨站錄本',
'removechecked' => '撤已揀',
'watchlist-show-bots' => '示僕',
'watchlistcontains' => "哨有$1頁",
'watchlist-hide-bots' => '藏僕',
'watcheditlist' => '此列有哨之文,以名序焉。如欲撤之,下有\'撤已揀\',揀哨後點之即可。文撤議隨,反之亦然。',
'removingcheckedwatchlist-show-own' => '正撤哨…示吾纂',
'watchlist-hide-own' => '藏吾纂',
'couldntremove' => "'$1'哨未可撤…",
'iteminvalidnamewatchlist-show-minor' => "'$1示校'謬名",
'watchlist-hide-minor' => '藏校',
'wlnote' => '前<b>$2</b>時有$1者易',
'wlshowlast' => 'Show last $1 hours $2 days $3',
'wlsaved' => '此為哨站錄本',
'wlhideshowown' => '$1吾纂',
'wlhideshowbots' => '$1僕纂',
'wldone' => '已',
'enotif_mailer' => '{{SITENAME}}報',
'enotif_reset' => '記之通閱',
'enotif_newpagetext' => '新頁',
'changed' => '易矣',
'created' => '撰矣',
'enotif_lastvisited' => '新易見$1',
'enotif_body' => '$WATCHINGUSERNAME鈞鑑,
第一一一八行 ⟶ 第九四四行:
# Delete/protect/revert
'deletepage' => '刪頁',
'confirm' => '准',
'deletepage' => '刪頁',
'excontent' => "文乃:'$1'",
'confirm' => '准',
'excontentauthor' => "文乃:'$1' (而[[Special:Contributions/$2|$2]]'者,為僅有之與者也)",
'excontent' => "文乃:'$1'",
'exblank' => '缺頁',
'excontentauthor' => "文乃: '$1' (and the only contributor was '$2')",
'confirmdelete' => '准刪',
'exbeforeblank' => "content before blanking was: '$1'",
'deletesub' => '("$1",正刪之)',
'exblank' => '缺頁',
'historywarning' => '警:欲刪之頁有誌:',
'confirmdelete' => '准刪',
'confirmdeletetext' => '子若欲久刪此物與其誌,知後果、合[[{{ns:project}}:Policy]]後再為之。',
'deletesub' => "(\"$1\",正刪之)",
'actioncomplete' => '已矣',
'historywarning' => '警:欲刪之頁有誌:',
'deletedtext' => '"$1"刪矣,見誌於$2。',
'confirmdeletetext' => "子若欲久刪此物與其誌,知後果、合[[{{ns:project}}:Policy]]後再為之。",
'actioncompletedeletedarticle' => '"[[$1]]"刪矣',
'dellogpage' => '誌刪',
'deletedtext' => "\"$1\"刪矣,見誌於$2。",
'dellogpagetext' => '近刪一覽.',
'deletedarticle' => "\"[[$1]]\"刪矣",
'dellogpagedeletionlog' => '誌刪',
'reverted' => '還',
'dellogpagetext' => '近刪一覽.',
'deletionlogdeletecomment' => '刪',
'revertedimagereverted' => '還',
'rollback' => '回退編修',
'deletecomment' => '註刪',
'imagerevertedrollback_short' => '還矣回退',
'rollbacklink' => '回退',
'rollback' => 'Roll back edits',
'rollbackfailed' => '回退失敗',
'rollback_short' => 'Rollback',
'alreadyrolled' => '無法回退至[[User:$2|$2]]([[User talk:$2|議]])對[[$1]]的最終編修;某君已編修或回退此文。
'rollbacklink' => 'rollback',
'rollbackfailed' => 'Rollback failed',
'cantrollback' => 'Cannot revert edit; last contributor is only author of this page.',
'alreadyrolled' => "Cannot rollback last edit of [[$1]]
by [[User:$2|$2]] ([[User talk:$2|Talk]]); someone else has edited or rolled back the page already.
Last edit was by 最終編修自[[User:$3|$3]] ([[User talk:$3|Talk]]).")。',
#'editcomment' => '贊:"<i>$1</i>"', # only shown if there is an edit comment
'revertpage' => '蓋[[Special:Contributions/$2|$2]] ([[User talk:$2|議]])者,所修無理,故去之,復為[[User:$1|$1]]之本耳',
'editcomment' => "贊:\"<i>$1</i>\"",
'rollback-success' => '蓋$1者,所修無理,故去之,復為$2之本耳。',
'revertpage' => "Reverted edits by [[Special:Contributions/$2|$2]] ([[User_talk:$2|Talk]]); changed back to last version by [[User:$1|$1]]",
'protectlogpage' => '誌錮',
'sessionfailure' => 'There seems to be a problem with your login session;
'protectlogtext' => '誌錮赦如下:',
this action has been canceled as a precaution against session hijacking.
'protectedarticle' => '"[[$1]]"有錮',
Please hit "back" and reload the page you came from, then try again.',
'unprotectedarticle' => '"[[$1]]"有赦',
'protectlogpage' => '誌錮',
'protectsub' => '(正錮"$1")',
'protectlogtext' => "誌錮赦如下:",
'protectedarticleconfirmprotect' => '"[[$1]]"有錮',
'unprotectedarticleprotectcomment' => '"[[$1]]"錮之由:',
'protectsubunprotectsub' => '("$1")',
'confirmprotecttextprotect-unchain' => '篤欲錮准遷',
'protect-text' => '錮級可見<strong>$1</strong>',
'confirmprotect' => '准錮',
'protect-default' => '(予定)',
'protectmoveonly' => '惟限遷之',
'protectcomment' => '錮之有由:',
'unprotectsub' =>"(正赦\"$1\")",
'confirmunprotecttext' => '篤欲赦之?',
'confirmunprotect' => '准赦',
'unprotectcomment' => '赦之有由:',
'protect-unchain' => '准遷之',
'protect-text' => '錮級可見<strong>$1</strong>',
'protect-viewtext' => '無權變錮。<strong>$1</strong>現為:',
'protect-default' => '(予定)',
'protect-level-autoconfirmed' => '驅無簿',
'protect-level-sysop' => '惟有秩',
# restrictionsRestrictions (nouns)
'restriction-edit' => '纂',
'restriction-move' => '遷',
# Undelete
'undelete' => '覽已刪',
'undeletepage' => '覽已刪並還之',
'viewdeletedpage' => '覽已刪',
'undeletepagetext' => '列已刪如下。有複存可還之,常清。',
'undeleterevisions' => '有審$1',
'undeleteextrahelp' => "To restore the entire page, leave all checkboxes deselected and
'undeletebtn' => '還',
click '''''Restore'''''. To perform a selective restoration, check the boxes corresponding to the
'undeletereset' => '重置',
revisions to be restored, and click '''''Restore'''''. Clicking '''''Reset''''' will clear the
'undeletecomment' => '贊:',
comment field and all checkboxes.",
'undeletearticleundeletedarticle' => '"[[$1]]"已刪',
'undeletedrevisions' => '$1審還矣',
'undeleterevisions' => "有審$1",
'undeletedrevisions-files' => '$1審$2檔還矣',
'undeletehistory' => 'If you restore the page, all revisions will be restored to the history.
'undeletedfiles' => '$1檔還矣',
If a new page with the same name has been created since the deletion, the restored
'cannotundelete' => '無以還檔,或早復矣。',
revisions will appear in the prior history, and the current revision of the live page
'undeletedpage' => "<big>'''$1還矣'''</big>
will not be automatically replaced.',
'undeletehistorynoadmin' => 'This article has been deleted. The reason for deletion is
shown in the summary below, along with details of the users who had edited this page
before deletion. The actual text of these deleted revisions is only available to administrators.',
'undeleterevision' => "Deleted revision as of $1",
'undeletebtn' => '還',
'undeletereset' => '重置',
'undeletecomment' => '贊:',
'undeletedarticle' => "\"[[$1]]\"還矣",
'undeletedrevisions' => "$1審還矣",
'undeletedrevisions-files' => "$1審$2檔還矣",
'undeletedfiles' => "$1檔還矣",
'cannotundelete' => '無以還檔,或早復矣。',
'undeletedpage' => "<big>'''$1還矣'''</big>
# Namespace form on various pages
'namespace' => '名集:',
'invert' => '逆擇',
# Contributions
'contributions' => '功績',
'mycontris' => '吾績',
'contribsubcontribsub2' => "就'$1"之功績 ($2)',
'nocontribs' => '尺斯無易',
'ucnote' => "'近<b>$2</b>有<b>$1</b>新易。"',
'uclinks' => "' 近$1易,近$2日"',
'uctop' => ' ()' ,
'newbiesmonth' => '新進自該月 (或先於其者):',
'year' => '自該年 (或先於其者):',
'sp-newimagescontributions-showfromnewest' => '賞新圖,自$1',
'sp-contributions-oldest' => '首',
'sp-contributions-newestnewer' => '後$1',
'sp-contributions-oldestolder' => '前$1',
'sp-contributions-newernewbies' => '後$1僅列初來之人',
'sp-contributions-older' => '前$1',
'sp-contributions-newbies-sub' => '予新進',
'sp-contributions-blocklog' => '誌禁',
'sp-contributions-search' => '尋往績',
'sp-contributions-username' => 'IP或簿名:',
'sp-contributions-submit' => '尋',
'sp-newimages-showfrom' => '賞新圖,自$1',
# What links here
'whatlinkshere' => '何通此',
'whatlinksherenotargettitle' => '何通此無向',
'linklistsub' => '(表通)',
'whatlinkshere-summary' => '',
'linkshere' => "下文通'''[[:$1]]''':",
'notargettitle' => '無向',
'nolinkshere' => "無頁通'''[[:$1]]'''.",
'notargettext' => 'You have not specified a target page or user
'nolinkshere-ns' => "名集中無頁通'''[[:$1]]'''.",
to perform this function on.',
'linklistsubisredirect' => '(表通)',
'istemplate' => '含',
'linkshere' => "下文通'''[[:$1]]''':",
'nolinksherewhatlinkshere-prev' => "無頁通'''[[:$1]]'''.",
'isredirectwhatlinkshere-next' => '次$1通',
'istemplatewhatlinkshere-links' => '← 通',
# Block/unblock IP
'blockip' => '禁簿',
'blockipipaddress' => '禁簿IP址',
'ipadressorusername' => 'IP或簿名',
'blockiptext' => "Use the form below to block write access
'ipbexpiry' => '限期',
from a specific IP address or username.
'ipbreason' => '緣',
This should be done only only to prevent vandalism, and in
'ipbanononly' => '禁名匿',
accordance with [[{{ns:project}}:Policy|policy]].
'ipbcreateaccount' => '禁增簿',
Fill in a specific reason below (for example, citing particular
'ipbsubmit' => '禁此簿',
pages that were vandalized).",
'ipaddressipbother' => 'IP址它時',
'ipboptions' => '二時:2 hours,一日:1 day,三日:3 days,一週:1 week,二週:2 weeks,一月:1 month,三月:3 months,六月:6 months,一年:1 year,永:infinite',
'ipadressorusername' => 'IP或簿名',
'ipbexpiryipbotheroption' => '限期',
'ipbreasonbadipaddress' => 'IP不格',
'ipbanononlyblockipsuccesssub' => '名匿',
'blockipsuccesstext' => '[[{{ns:Special}}:Contributions/$1|$1]]見禁<br />見[[{{ns:Special}}:Ipblocklist|誌禁]]',
'ipbcreateaccount' => '禁增簿',
'ipbsubmitunblockip' => '簿',
'unblockiptext' => '以下表赦禁簿、IP:',
'ipbother' => '它時',
'ipusubmit' => '赦此址',
'ipboptions' => '二時:2 hours,一日:1 day,三日:3 days,一週:1 week,二週:2 weeks,一月:1 month,三月:3 months,六月:6 months,一年:1 year,永:infinite',
'unblocked' => '[[User:$1|$1]]見赦。',
'ipbotheroption' => '他',
'ipblocklist' => '列禁簿、禁IP:',
'badipaddress' => 'IP不格',
'blockipsuccesssubblocklistline' => '$1,$2$3($4)',
'infiniteblock' => '永',
'blockipsuccesstext' => '[[{{ns:Special}}:Contributions/$1|$1]]見禁
'expiringblock' => '過$1',
<br />見[[{{ns:Special}}:Ipblocklist|誌禁]]',
'unblockipanononlyblock' => '赦禁簿惟名匿',
'unblockiptextcreateaccountblock' => '以下表赦簿、IP:',
'ipblocklist-empty' => '誌空也。',
'ipusubmit' => '赦此址',
'blocklink' => '禁',
'unblocked' => '[[User:$1|$1]]見赦。',
'unblocklink' => '赦',
'ipblocklist' => '列禁簿、禁IP:',
'contribslink' => '功績',
'ipblocklist-summary' => '',
'autoblocker' => '近日"[[User:$1|$1]]"用子IP"\'\'\'$2\'\'\'",故禁',
'blocklistline' => "$1,$2禁$3($4)",
'infiniteblockblocklogpage' => '誌禁',
'expiringblockblocklogentry' => '禁"[[$1]]"至$2 $3',
'anononlyblockunblocklogentry' => '惟名匿赦$1',
'createaccountblockipb_expiry_invalid' => '禁增簿限期不格。',
'ipblocklistempty' => '誌空也。',
'blocklink' => '禁',
'unblocklink' => '赦',
'contribslink' => '功績',
'autoblocker' => '近日"[[User:$1|$1]]"用子IP"\'\'\'$2\'\'\'",故禁',
'blocklogpage' => '誌禁',
'blocklogentry' => '禁"[[$1]]"至$2',
'blocklogtext' => 'This is a log of user blocking and unblocking actions. Automatically
blocked IP addresses are not listed. See the [[Special:Ipblocklist|IP block list]] for
the list of currently operational bans and blocks.',
'unblocklogentry' => '赦$1',
'range_block_disabled' => 'The sysop ability to create range blocks is disabled.',
'ipb_expiry_invalid' => '限期不格。',
'ipb_already_blocked' => '"$1"早禁矣',
'proxyblocksuccess' => '已矣',
'ip_range_invalid' => 'Invalid IP range.',
'proxyblocker' => 'Proxy blocker',
'ipb_cant_unblock' => 'Error: Block ID $1 not found. It may have been unblocked already.',
'proxyblockreason' => 'Your IP address has been blocked because it is an open proxy. Please contact your Internet service provider or tech support and inform them of this serious security problem.',
'proxyblocksuccess' => '已矣',
'sorbs' => 'SORBS DNSBL',
'sorbsreason' => 'Your IP address is listed as an open proxy in the [http://www.sorbs.net SORBS] DNSBL.',
'sorbs_create_account_reason' => 'Your IP address is listed as an open proxy in the [http://www.sorbs.net SORBS] DNSBL. You cannot create an account',
# Developer tools
'lockdb' => '鎖庫藏',
'lockdbunlockdb' => '庫藏',
'lockconfirm' => '篤欲鎖之',
'unlockdb' => '解庫藏',
'unlockconfirm' => '篤欲解之',
'lockdbtext' => 'Locking the database will suspend the ability of all
'lockbtn' => '鎖',
users to edit pages, change their preferences, edit their watchlists, and
'unlockbtn' => '解',
other things requiring changes in the database.
'lockdbsuccesssub' => '庫藏鎖矣',
Please confirm that this is what you intend to do, and that you will
'unlockdbsuccesssub' => '庫藏解矣',
unlock the database when your maintenance is done.',
'lockdbsuccesstext' => '庫藏鎖矣。<br />檢修後務[[Special:Unlockdb|解之]]。',
'unlockdbtext' => 'Unlocking the database will restore the ability of all
users to edit pages, change their preferences, edit their watchlists, and
other things requiring changes in the database.
Please confirm that this is what you intend to do.',
'lockconfirm' => '篤欲鎖之',
'unlockconfirm' => '篤欲解之',
'lockbtn' => '鎖',
'unlockbtn' => '解',
'locknoconfirm' => 'You did not check the confirmation box.',
'lockdbsuccesssub' => '庫藏鎖矣',
'unlockdbsuccesssub' => '庫藏解矣',
'lockdbsuccesstext' => '庫藏鎖矣。
<br />檢修後務[[Special:Unlockdb|解之]]。',
'unlockdbsuccesstext' => '庫藏解矣',
'databasenotlocked' => '庫藏未鎖',
'lockfilenotwritable' => 'The database lock file is not writable. To lock or unlock the database, this needs to be writable by the web server.',
'databasenotlocked' => '庫藏未鎖',
# Make sysop
'makesysoptitle' => '封有秩',
'makesysoptext' => 'This form is used by bureaucrats to turn ordinary users into administrators.
Type the name of the user in the box and press the button to make the user an administrator',
'makesysopname' => '簿名:',
'makesysopsubmit' => '封之有秩',
'makesysopok' => "<b>\"$1\"成有秩矣。</b>",
'makesysopfail' => "<b>\"$1\"未封之,疑名謬。</b>",
'setbureaucratflag' => 'Set bureaucrat flag',
'rightslog' => 'User rights log',
'rightslogtext' => 'This is a log of changes to user rights.',
'rightslogentry' => 'changed group membership for $1 from $2 to $3',
'rights' => 'Rights:',
'set_user_rights' => 'Set user rights',
'user_rights_set' => "<b>User rights for \"$1\" updated</b>",
'set_rights_fail' => "<b>User rights for \"$1\" could not be set. (Did you enter the name correctly?)</b>",
'makesysop' => '封有秩',
'already_sysop' => '早封有秩矣',
'already_bureaucrat' => '早封門下矣',
'rightsnone' => '(凡)',
# Move page
'movepage' => '遷文',
'movepagemovearticle' => '遷:',
'movenologin' => '未登簿',
'movepagetext' => 'Using the form below will rename a page, moving all
'movenologintext' => '遷文須[[Special:Userlogin|登簿]]。',
of its history to the new name.
'newtitle' => '至新題:',
The old title will become a redirect page to the new title.
'move-watch' => '哨',
Links to the old page title will not be changed; be sure to
'movepagebtn' => '遷此頁',
check for double or broken redirects.
'pagemovedsub' => '成',
You are responsible for making sure that links continue to
'movepage-moved' => "<big>'''「$1」遷「$2」矣'''</big>", # The two titles are passed in plain text as $3 and $4 to allow additional goodies in the message.
point where they are supposed to go.
'articleexists' => '此頁復存,或名謬焉。請更之。',
'movedto' => '遷至',
Note that the page will \'\'\'not\'\'\' be moved if there is already
'movetalk' => '並遷其議',
a page at the new title, unless it is empty or a redirect and has no
'talkpagemoved' => '其議已並遷。',
past edit history. This means that you can rename a page back to where
'talkpagenotmoved' => '其議<strong>未</strong>並遷。',
it was just renamed from if you make a mistake, and you cannot overwrite
'1movedto2' => '[[$1]]遷[[$2]]矣',
an existing page.
'1movedto2_redir' => '[[$1]]遷[[$2]]矣',
'movelogpage' => '誌遷',
'movelogpagetext' => '有遷如下:',
This can be a drastic and unexpected change for a popular page;
'movereason' => '因',
please be sure you understand the consequences of this before
'revertmove' => '還',
'delete_and_move' => '刪並遷',
'movepagetalktext' => 'The associated talk page will be automatically moved along with it \'\'\'unless:\'\'\'
*A non-empty talk page already exists under the new name, or
*You uncheck the box below.
In those cases, you will have to move or merge the page manually if desired.',
'movearticle' => '遷此文',
'movenologin' => '未登簿',
'movenologintext' => "遷文須[[Special:Userlogin|登簿]]。",
'newtitle' => '至新題',
'movepagebtn' => '遷此頁',
'pagemovedsub' => '成',
'pagemovedtext' => "[[$1]]"遷"[[$2]]"矣。,
'articleexists' => '此頁復存,或名謬焉。請更之。',
'talkexists' => "'''The page itself was moved successfully, but the talk page could not be moved because one already exists at the new title. Please merge them manually.'''",
'movedto' => '遷至',
'movetalk' => '並遷其議',
'talkpagemoved' => '議並遷矣。',
'talkpagenotmoved' => '議<strong>未</strong>並遷。',
'1movedto2' => '[[$1]]遷[[$2]]矣',
'1movedto2_redir' => '[[$1]]遷[[$2]]矣',
'movelogpage' => '誌遷',
'movelogpagetext' => '有遷如下:',
'movereason' => '因',
'revertmove' => '還',
'delete_and_move' => '刪並遷',
'delete_and_move_text' =>
'==Deletion required==
The destination article "[[$1]]" already exists. Do you want to delete it to make way for the move?',
'delete_and_move_confirm' => 'Yes, delete the page',
'delete_and_move_reason' => 'Deleted to make way for move',
'selfmove' => "Source and destination titles are the same; can't move a page over itself.",
'immobile_namespace' => "Source or destination title is of a special type; cannot move pages from and into that namespace.",
# Export
'export-download' => '供存文',
'export' => 'Export pages',
'exporttext' => 'You can export the text and editing history of a particular page or
set of pages wrapped in some XML. This can be imported into another wiki using MediaWiki
via the Special:Import page.
To export pages, enter the titles in the text box below, one title per line, and
select whether you want the current version as well as all old versions, with the page
history lines, or just the current version with the info about the last edit.
In the latter case you can also use a link, e.g. [[{{ns:Special}}:Export/{{int:mainpage}}]] for the page {{int:mainpage}}.',
'exportcuronly' => 'Include only the current revision, not the full history',
'exportnohistory' => "----
'''Note:''' Exporting the full history of pages through this form has been disabled due to performance reasons.",
'export-submit' => 'Export',
# Namespace 8 related
'allmessages' => '官訊',
'allmessagesallmessagesname' => '官訊',
'allmessagesnameallmessagesdefault' => '予定文',
'allmessagesdefaultallmessagescurrent' => '予定文',
'allmessagestext' => '此為MediaWiki領域處所含之系統訊息一覽。',
'allmessagescurrent' => '今文',
'allmessagesfilter' => '濾訊名:',
'allmessagestext' => 'This is a list of system messages available in the MediaWiki namespace.',
'allmessagesnotsupportedUI' => 'Your current interface language <b>$1</b> is not supported by Special:Allmessages at this site.',
'allmessagesnotsupportedDB' => '\'\'\'Special:Allmessages\'\'\' cannot be used because \'\'\'$wgUseDatabaseMessages\'\'\' is switched off.',
'allmessagesfilter' => '濾訊名:',
'allmessagesmodified' => '見曾易',
# Thumbnails
'thumbnail-more' => '放',
'missingimage' => '<b>失圖</b><br /><i>$1</i>',
'thumbnail-more' => '放',
'filemissing' => '檔已失。',
'missingimage' => '<b>失圖</b><br /><i>$1</i>',
'filemissing' => '檔已失。',
'thumbnail_error' => 'Error creating thumnail: $1',
# Special:Import
'import' => 'Import pages',
'importinterwiki' => 'Transwiki import',
'import-interwiki-text' => 'Select a wiki and page title to import.
Revision dates and editors\' names will be preserved.
All transwiki import actions are logged at the [[Special:Log/import|import log]].',
'import-interwiki-history' => 'Copy all history versions for this page',
'import-interwiki-submit' => '匯入',
'importstart' => '正匯入…',
'import-interwiki-namespace' => 'Transfer pages into namespace:',
'import-revision-count' => '共$1審',
'importtext' => 'Please export the file from the source wiki using the Special:Export utility, save it to your disk and upload it here.',
'importnopages' => '無可匯。',
'importstart' => "正匯入…",
'importfailed' => '匯入有變:$1',
'import-revision-count' => '共$1審',
'importsuccess' => '匯入成矣!',
'importnopages' => "無可匯。",
'importfailed' => "匯入有變:$1",
'importunknownsource' => "Unknown import source type",
'importcantopen' => "Couldn't open import file",
'importbadinterwiki' => "Bad interwiki link",
'importnotext' => 'Empty or no text',
'importsuccess' => '匯入成矣!',
'importhistoryconflict' => 'Conflicting history revision exists (may have imported this page before)',
'importnosources' => 'No transwiki import sources have been defined and direct history uploads are disabled.',
'importnofile' => 'No import file was uploaded.',
'importuploaderror' => 'Upload of import file failed; perhaps the file is bigger than the allowed upload size.',
# importImport log
'import-logentry-upload-detail' => '共$1審',
'importlogpage' => '',
'importlogpagetext' => 'Administrative imports of pages with edit history from other wikis.',
'import-logentry-upload' => 'imported $1 by file upload',
'import-logentry-upload-detail' => '共$1審',
'import-logentry-interwiki' => 'transwikied $1',
'import-logentry-interwiki-detail' => '$1審自$2',
# Tooltip help for the actions
'tooltip-search' => '索{{SITENAME}}',
# Keyboard access keys for power users
'tooltip-minoredit' => '此為校文',
'accesskey-search' => 'f',
'tooltip-save' => '儲簿註',
'accesskey-minoredit' => 'i',
'tooltip-preview' => '預覽,儲前務覽之',
'accesskey-save' => 's',
'tooltip-diff' => '覽易者',
'accesskey-preview' => 'p',
'tooltip-compareselectedversions' => '二揀辨異',
'accesskey-diff' => 'v',
'tooltip-watch' => '派哨',
'accesskey-compareselectedversions' => 'v',
'tooltip-recreate' => '重建之',
'accesskey-watch' => 'w',
# tooltip help for some actions, most are in Monobook.js
'tooltip-search' => '索{{SITENAME}}[alt-f]',
'tooltip-minoredit' => '此為校文[alt-i]',
'tooltip-save' => '儲簿註[alt-s]',
'tooltip-preview' => '預覽,儲前務覽之[alt-p]',
'tooltip-diff' => '覽易者[alt-v]',
'tooltip-compareselectedversions' => '二揀辨異[alt-v]',
'tooltip-watch' => '派哨[alt-w]',
# stylesheets
'Common.css' => '/** CSS placed here will be applied to all skins */',
'Monobook.css' => '/* CSS placed here will affect users of the Monobook skin */',
# Metadata
'nodublincore' => 'Dublin Core RDF metadata disabled for this server.',
'nocreativecommons' => 'Creative Commons RDF metadata disabled for this server.',
'notacceptable' => 'The wiki server can\'t provide data in a format your client can read.',
# Attribution
'anonymous' => '{{SITENAME}}無簿',
'anonymoussiteuser' => '{{SITENAME}}簿$1',
'lastmodifiedatby' => '是頁由$3近易於$1 $2。', # $1 date, $2 time, $3 user
'siteuser' => '{{SITENAME}}有簿$1',
'and' => '與',
'lastmodifiedatby' => '$1$2,$3易之', // $1 date, $2 time. $3 user
'andothercontribs' => '$1主撰',
'othercontribsothers' => '$1主撰',
'siteusers' => '{{SITENAME}}有簿$1',
'others' => '它',
'siteusers' => '{{SITENAME}}有簿$1',
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# Info page
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'rcpatroldisabledtext' => "The Recent Changes Patrol feature is currently disabled.",
'markedaspatrollederror' => "未可哨",
'markedaspatrollederrortext' => "揀之方可哨",
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# imageImage deletion
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# browsingBrowsing diffs
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'nextdiff' => '後辨',
# Media information
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# Metadata
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'metadata-expand' => 'Show extended details',
'metadata-collapse' => 'Hide extended details',
'metadata-fields' => 'EXIF metadata fields listed in this message will
be included on image page display when the metadata table
is collapsed. Others will be hidden by default.
* make
* model
* datetimeoriginal
* exposuretime
* fnumber
* focallength',
# Exif tags
'exif-imagewidth' =>'寬',
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'exif-subsectimeoriginal' =>'DateTimeOriginal subseconds',
'exif-subsectimedigitized' =>'DateTimeDigitized subseconds',
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'exif-fnumber' =>'F Number',
'exif-fnumber-format' =>'f/$1',
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'exif-shutterspeedvalue' =>'Shutter speed',
'exif-aperturevalue' =>'Aperture',
'exif-brightnessvalue' =>'Brightness',
'exif-exposurebiasvalue' =>'Exposure bias',
'exif-maxaperturevalue' =>'Maximum land aperture',
'exif-subjectdistance' =>'Subject distance',
'exif-meteringmode' =>'Metering mode',
'exif-lightsource' =>'Light source',
'exif-flash' =>'Flash',
'exif-focallength' =>'Lens focal length',
'exif-focallength-format' =>'$1 mm',
'exif-subjectarea' =>'Subject area',
'exif-flashenergy' =>'Flash energy',
'exif-spatialfrequencyresponse' =>'Spatial frequency response',
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'exif-focalplaneyresolution' =>'Focal plane Y resolution',
'exif-focalplaneresolutionunit' =>'Focal plane resolution unit',
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'exif-focallengthin35mmfilm' =>'Focal length in 35 mm film',
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'exif-gaincontrol' =>'Scene control',
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'exif-saturation' =>'Saturation',
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'exif-gpslatitude' =>'Latitude',
'exif-gpslongituderef' =>'East or West Longitude',
'exif-gpslongitude' =>'Longitude',
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'exif-gpsaltitude' =>'Altitude',
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'exif-gpssatellites' =>'Satellites used for measurement',
'exif-gpsstatus' =>'Receiver status',
'exif-gpsmeasuremode' =>'Measurement mode',
'exif-gpsdop' =>'Measurement precision',
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'exif-gpsspeed' =>'Speed of GPS receiver',
'exif-gpstrackref' =>'Reference for direction of movement',
'exif-gpstrack' =>'Direction of movement',
'exif-gpsimgdirectionref' =>'Reference for direction of image',
'exif-gpsimgdirection' =>'Direction of image',
'exif-gpsmapdatum' =>'Geodetic survey data used',
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'exif-gpsdestlatitude' =>'Latitude destination',
'exif-gpsdestlongituderef' =>'Reference for longitude of destination',
'exif-gpsdestlongitude' =>'Longitude of destination',
'exif-gpsdestbearingref' =>'Reference for bearing of destination',
'exif-gpsdestbearing' =>'Bearing of destination',
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'exif-gpsdestdistance' =>'Distance to destination',
'exif-gpsprocessingmethod' =>'Name of GPS processing method',
'exif-gpsareainformation' =>'Name of GPS area',
'exif-gpsdatestamp' =>'GPS date',
'exif-gpsdifferential' =>'GPS differential correction',
# Make & model, can be wikified in order to link to the camera and model name
'exif-make-value' => '$1',
'exif-model-value' =>'$1',
'exif-software-value' => '$1',
# Exif attributes
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'exif-compression-6' => 'JPEG',
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'exif-orientation-8' => 'Rotated 90° CCW', // 0th row: left; 0th column: bottom
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'exif-colorspace-ffff.h' => 'FFFF.H',
'exif-componentsconfiguration-0' => 'does not exist',
'exif-componentsconfiguration-1' => 'Y',
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'exif-componentsconfiguration-4' => 'R',
'exif-componentsconfiguration-5' => 'G',
'exif-componentsconfiguration-6' => 'B',
'exif-exposureprogram-0' => 'Not defined',
'exif-exposureprogram-1' => 'Manual',
'exif-exposureprogram-2' => 'Normal program',
'exif-exposureprogram-3' => 'Aperture priority',
'exif-exposureprogram-4' => 'Shutter priority',
'exif-exposureprogram-5' => 'Creative program (biased toward depth of field)',
'exif-exposureprogram-6' => 'Action program (biased toward fast shutter speed)',
'exif-exposureprogram-7' => 'Portrait mode (for closeup photos with the background out of focus)',
'exif-exposureprogram-8' => 'Landscape mode (for landscape photos with the background in focus)',
'exif-subjectdistance-value' => '$1 metres',
'exif-meteringmode-0' => 'Unknown',
'exif-meteringmode-1' => 'Average',
'exif-meteringmode-2' => 'CenterWeightedAverage',
'exif-meteringmode-3' => 'Spot',
'exif-meteringmode-4' => 'MultiSpot',
'exif-meteringmode-5' => 'Pattern',
'exif-meteringmode-6' => 'Partial',
'exif-meteringmode-255' => 'Other',
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'exif-lightsource-3' => 'Tungsten (incandescent light)',
'exif-lightsource-4' => 'Flash',
'exif-lightsource-9' => 'Fine weather',
'exif-lightsource-10' => 'Cloudy weather',
'exif-lightsource-11' => 'Shade',
'exif-lightsource-12' => 'Daylight fluorescent (D 5700 – 7100K)',
'exif-lightsource-13' => 'Day white fluorescent (N 4600 – 5400K)',
'exif-lightsource-14' => 'Cool white fluorescent (W 3900 – 4500K)',
'exif-lightsource-15' => 'White fluorescent (WW 3200 – 3700K)',
'exif-lightsource-17' => 'Standard light A',
'exif-lightsource-18' => 'Standard light B',
'exif-lightsource-19' => 'Standard light C',
'exif-lightsource-20' => 'D55',
'exif-lightsource-21' => 'D65',
'exif-lightsource-22' => 'D75',
'exif-lightsource-23' => 'D50',
'exif-lightsource-24' => 'ISO studio tungsten',
'exif-lightsource-255' => 'Other light source',
'exif-focalplaneresolutionunit-2' => 'inches',
'exif-sensingmethod-1' => 'Undefined',
'exif-sensingmethod-2' => 'One-chip color area sensor',
'exif-sensingmethod-3' => 'Two-chip color area sensor',
'exif-sensingmethod-4' => 'Three-chip color area sensor',
'exif-sensingmethod-5' => 'Color sequential area sensor',
'exif-sensingmethod-7' => 'Trilinear sensor',
'exif-sensingmethod-8' => 'Color sequential linear sensor',
'exif-filesource-3' => 'DSC',
'exif-scenetype-1' => 'A directly photographed image',
'exif-customrendered-0' => 'Normal process',
'exif-customrendered-1' => 'Custom process',
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'exif-exposuremode-1' => 'Manual exposure',
'exif-exposuremode-2' => 'Auto bracket',
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'exif-whitebalance-1' => 'Manual white balance',
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'exif-scenecapturetype-1' => 'Landscape',
'exif-scenecapturetype-2' => 'Portrait',
'exif-scenecapturetype-3' => 'Night scene',
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'exif-gaincontrol-1' => 'Low gain up',
'exif-gaincontrol-2' => 'High gain up',
'exif-gaincontrol-3' => 'Low gain down',
'exif-gaincontrol-4' => 'High gain down',
'exif-contrast-0' => 'Normal',
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'exif-contrast-2' => 'Hard',
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'exif-saturation-1' => 'Low saturation',
'exif-saturation-2' => 'High saturation',
'exif-sharpness-0' => 'Normal',
'exif-sharpness-1' => 'Soft',
'exif-sharpness-2' => 'Hard',
'exif-subjectdistancerange-0' => 'Unknown',
'exif-subjectdistancerange-1' => 'Macro',
'exif-subjectdistancerange-2' => 'Close view',
'exif-subjectdistancerange-3' => 'Distant view',
// Pseudotags used for GPSLatitudeRef and GPSDestLatitudeRef
'exif-gpslatitude-n' => 'North latitude',
'exif-gpslatitude-s' => 'South latitude',
// Pseudotags used for GPSLongitudeRef and GPSDestLongitudeRef
'exif-gpslongitude-e' => 'East longitude',
'exif-gpslongitude-w' => 'West longitude',
'exif-gpsstatus-a' => 'Measurement in progress',
'exif-gpsstatus-v' => 'Measurement interoperability',
'exif-gpsmeasuremode-2' => '2-dimensional measurement',
'exif-gpsmeasuremode-3' => '3-dimensional measurement',
// Pseudotags used for GPSSpeedRef and GPSDestDistanceRef
'exif-gpsspeed-k' => 'Kilometres per hour',
'exif-gpsspeed-m' => 'Miles per hour',
'exif-gpsspeed-n' => 'Knots',
# EXIF tags
// Pseudotags used for GPSTrackRef, GPSImgDirectionRef and GPSDestBearingRef
'exif-gpsdirection-timagewidth' => 'True direction',
'exif-gpsdirection-mimagelength' => 'Magnetic direction',
'exif-datetime' => '文檔修訂之日期時辰',
'exif-datetimeoriginal' => '數據生成之日期時辰',
'exif-datetimedigitized' => '數位化之日期時辰',
# externalExternal editor support
'edit-externally' => 'Edit this file using an=> external application'以外部程式修此文',
'edit-externally-help' => 'See the 請閱[http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Help:External_editors setup instructions安裝指引] for more information.以知詳情。',
# 'all' in various places, this might be different for inflected languages
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'imagelistall' => '全',
'watchlistall1watchlistall2' => '全',
'watchlistall2namespacesall' => '全',
'namespacesallmonthsall' => '全',
# E-mail address confirmation
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'confirmemail_noemail' => '[[Special:Preferences|簿註]]有驛。',
'confirmemail_send' => '遣核符',
'confirmemail_text' => "This wiki requires that you validate your e-mail address
'confirmemail_sent' => '核符遣矣',
before using e-mail features. Activate the button below to send a confirmation
'confirmemail_sendfailed' => '信未遣焉,請核郵驛。
mail to your address. The mail will include a link containing a code; load the
link in your browser to confirm that your e-mail address is valid.",
'confirmemail_send' => '遣核符',
'confirmemail_sent' => '核符遣矣',
'confirmemail_sendfailed' => '信未遣焉,請核郵驛。',
'confirmemail_invalid' => 'Invalid confirmation code. The code may have expired.',
'confirmemail_needlogin' => 'You need to $1 to confirm your email address.',
'confirmemail_success' => 'Your e-mail address has been confirmed. You may now log in and enjoy the wiki.',
'confirmemail_loggedin' => 'Your e-mail address has now been confirmed.',
'confirmemail_error' => 'Something went wrong saving your confirmation.',
'confirmemail_subject' => '{{SITENAME}} e-mail address confirmation',
'confirmemail_body' => "Someone, probably you from IP address $1, has registered an
account \"$2\" with this e-mail address on {{SITENAME}}.
To confirm that this account really does belong to you and activate
e-mail features on {{SITENAME}}, open this link in your browser:
If this is *not* you, don't follow the link. This confirmation code
will expire at $4.",
# Inputbox extension, may be useful in other contexts as well
'tryexact' => '查全合',
'searchfulltext' => '尋全文',
'createarticle' => '撰文',
# Scary transclusion
'scarytranscludefailed' => '[歉哉,$1模不得]',
'scarytranscludedisabled' => '[Interwiki transcluding is disabled]',
'scarytranscludefailed' => '[歉哉,$1模不得]',
'scarytranscludetoolong' => '[歉哉,網址過長]',
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Trackbacks for this article:<br />
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# delete conflict
# Delete conflict
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# HTML dump
第二〇二一行 ⟶ 第一二五八行:
# action=purge
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# Watchlist editor
'watchlistedit-numitems' => '不計議論,爾哨計有題$1。',
'watchlistedit-noitems' => '爾哨無題也。',
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'watchlistedit-clear-legend' => '清哨',
'watchlistedit-clear-confirm' => '清整哨也。篤撤之?亦[[Special:Watchlist/edit|治哨站]]也。',
'watchlistedit-clear-submit' => '清',
'watchlistedit-clear-done' => '爾哨已清。整題已去之。',
'watchlistedit-normal-title' => '治哨站',
'watchlistedit-normal-legend' => '從哨站撤之',
'watchlistedit-normal-explain' => '此列有哨之題。要除題,揀之,擊撤題。亦[[Special:Watchlist/raw|治源哨]]或[[Special:Watchlist/clear|清哨]]也。',
'watchlistedit-normal-submit' => '撤題',
'watchlistedit-normal-done' => '$1題之哨已撤:',
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'watchlistedit-raw-legend' => '治源哨',
'watchlistedit-raw-explain' => '此列有哨之題,治此表以加減題;一行一題之。善,擊更哨。亦[[[Special:Watchlist/edit|標準治哨]]也。',
'watchlistedit-raw-titles' => '題:',
'watchlistedit-raw-submit' => '更哨',
'watchlistedit-raw-done' => '爾哨已更也。',
'watchlistedit-raw-added' => '已添$1題:',
'watchlistedit-raw-removed' => '已撤$1題:',
# Watchlist editing tools
'watchlisttools-view' => '察易',
'watchlisttools-edit' => '治哨站',
'watchlisttools-raw' => '治源哨',
'watchlisttools-clear' => '清哨',