「模組:Wide image」:各本之異

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Great Brightstar
新文「-- This module implements template:wide image and template:panorama local p = {} local function getfilename(s) s = mw.ustring.gsub(s or '', '^%s*[Ff][Ii][Ll][Ee]%s*:%s*',……」
Great Brightstar
width = iwidth .. 'px'
local maxwidth = noborder and (iwidth .. 'px') or ((iwidth + 8) .. 'px')
local rtl = dir and dir == 'rtl' or nil
local noborder = border and border == 'no' or nil
local maxwidth = noborder and (iwidth .. 'px') or ((iwidth + 8) .. 'px')
local r,d = getcontainers(noborder, float or '', boxwidth or 'auto', maxwidth)