二〇一九年六月一二日 (週三)
- 一七時〇九分二〇一九年六月一二日 (三) 一七時〇九分 辨 誌 +九 細 漳州市 (GR) File renamed: File:Administrative Division Zhangzhou.png → File:Administrative Division Zhangzhou prfc map.png Criterion 2 (meaningless or ambiguous name) · There is an island on this map (Dongding Island- see the English language Wikipedia article) that is under the control of Kinmen County, Republic of China. The island is claimed by the People's Republic of China (prfc) and is shown on this map (far right). This title makes that clearer. 簽:阿拉伯數字
二〇一八年六月二四日 (週日)
- 一六時三八分二〇一八年六月二四日 (日) 一六時三八分 辨 誌 +八 細 羽島市 (GR) File renamed: File:Hashima, Gifu.svg → File:Flag of Hashima, Gifu.svg Criterion 2 (meaningless or ambiguous name)
- 一六時三六分二〇一八年六月二四日 (日) 一六時三六分 辨 誌 +八 細 中津川市 (GR) File renamed: File:Nakatsugawa, Gifu.svg → File:Flag of Nakatsugawa, Gifu.svg Criterion 2 (meaningless or ambiguous name)