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Matin Luther
:to mingwangx:<br>首先,我的意見已經在你所提的兩次編輯過程中表達過了。當然,這兩次編輯,除了表達自己意見外,也只有把「#{{oppose}}」開頭的段落集中在一起而已,請問這樣有否不妥?[[User:Hsw1976|Hsw1976]] 11:24, 20 August 2006 (UTC)
We should close the classcial chinese test-wp because the classcial chinese is a old use language. Remember, there is nobody use classcial chinese for their mother language today. Also, the meaning of a sentence of the classcail chinese is not as accurate as the fashionable chinese (Of course, it cannot to compare with English ofor French in accurate!). So, we need to make the fashiionable more like English (Or French) in the accurate porblems, but not to spread the classcial chinese, which is a old used and not accurated language.--[[User:Matin Luther|Matin Luther]] 06:34, 19 August 2006 (UTC)