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#{{oppose}}。此子維基乃用以測試。倘不試而棄,則違其旨矣。又文言精微,字字深意,非白話能比。若以為陋,是不識字也。----[[User:111111|111111]] 10:53, 8 August 2006 (UTC)
#{{oppose}}--吾註冊迄今不足一日. [[User:Hillgentleman|Hillgentleman]] 06:01, 9 August 2006 (UTC)
#*{{opinionoppose}}--上Yongxinge舉錯手;其支持文言實反對刪除也.[[User:Hillgentleman|Hillgentleman]] 06:01, 9 August 2006 (UTC)
#*{{opinionoppose}}--Popularising 文言 can help improve the currently appalling quality of Chinese writing.[[User:Hillgentleman|Hillgentleman]] 06:01, 9 August 2006 (UTC)
#*{{opinionoppose}}--文言乃漢語核心,流通之廣,意義之深,遠勝白話.[[User:Hillgentleman|Hillgentleman]] 06:16, 9 August 2006 (UTC)
#*{{opinionoppose}}--Yongxinge, One should be practical. To revive and popularise 文言, we need '''more''' than a forum; '''WHAT can people discuss in a forum?''' We need a '''GOAL'''. A small encyclopedia, even if it contains a lot of translations in the beginning, is a good start. Learn from [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foundation_%28book%29 Hari Seldon].[[User:Hillgentleman|Hillgentleman]] 07:27, 9 August 2006 (UTC)
**But on gramma, the classcial chinese is not accurate and it may make people argue. We should close thia test-wp--[[User:Matin Luther|Matin Luther]] 04:04, 14 August 2006 (UTC)
#*{{opinionoppose}}--[[User:Upsuper|疯鬼]]之言差矣,「語」、「文」實有別也,「語」者,因本能而生也;「文」者,記語載言之器也,切勿混談。況此站初建,即論存廢,甚惜哉!不若先論其位、立其規,再視其發展為宜。[[User:|]] 03:07, 17 August 2006 (UTC)
==={{Neutral}} 中立===