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建議長期封175.181.0.0/16,這是他常用的IP段。--[[用戶:Outlookxp|Outlookxp]] ([[用戶討論:Outlookxp|對話]]) 二〇一八年九月一一日 (二) 〇〇時三八分 (UTC)
== 請封123.192.33.207、閣下英明 ==
這兩者皆是Jessechi傀儡。--[[用戶:Outlookxp|Outlookxp]] ([[用戶討論:Outlookxp|對話]]) 二〇一九年三月一九日 (二) 〇二時〇四分 (UTC)
== re ==
圖中老少,即[[清世宗]]、[[清高宗|高宗]]也,又為郎世寧所作,遂矚目。--[[用戶:丁子君|丁子君]] ([[用戶討論:丁子君|對話]]) 二〇一九年四月九日 (二) 一五時四一分 (UTC)
== 請封そうですな ==
為Jessechi,他亂寫了[[孝明天皇]]等,沒細看會被騙。—[[用戶:Outlookxp|Outlookxp]] ([[用戶討論:Outlookxp|對話]]) 二〇一九年五月二日 (四) 〇七時一二分 (UTC)
== 答复 ==
我认为和之前的选举存在同一页面合适一些。--—[[user:WAN233|<span style="color: #007FFF;">启明</span>]][[user talk:WAN233|(留言)]] 二〇一九年七月一日 (一) 一四時五八分 (UTC)
:{{答|WAN233}}有秩、門下非一類,共存恐不宜。—[[用戶:Davidzdh|<font color="#008B8B">关山</font>]] ([[User talk:Davidzdh|修書]]) 二〇一九年七月一日 (一) 一四時五九分 (UTC)
::[[維基大典:司空選舉/Itsmine]],可否?--—[[user:WAN233|<span style="color: #007FFF;">启明</span>]][[user talk:WAN233|(留言)]] 二〇一九年七月一日 (一) 一五時〇一分 (UTC)
:::{{答|WAN233}}可。—[[用戶:Davidzdh|<font color="#008B8B">关山</font>]] ([[User talk:Davidzdh|修書]]) 二〇一九年七月一日 (一) 一五時〇四分 (UTC)
::::https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Steward_requests/Permissions --—[[user:WAN233|<span style="color: #007FFF;">启明</span>]][[user talk:WAN233|(留言)]] 二〇一九年七月二日 (二) 〇九時五六分 (UTC)
== 司空 ==
今舉君為司空,可至有秩選舉議之。--—[[user:WAN233|<span style="color: #007FFF;">启明</span>]][[user talk:WAN233|(留言)]] 二〇一九年七月三日 (三) 〇三時四四分 (UTC)
:{{答|WAN233}}承蒙舉薦。君忽忘署名矣。—[[用戶:Davidzdh|<font color="#008B8B">关山</font>]] ([[User talk:Davidzdh|修書]]) 二〇一九年七月三日 (三) 〇四時五九分 (UTC)
::另外,根据元维基的要求,请启用2FA。--—[[user:WAN233|<span style="color: #007FFF;">启明</span>]][[user talk:WAN233|(留言)]] 二〇一九年七月三日 (三) 一一時五六分 (UTC)
== re會文 ==
僕以為不可予矢。--[[用戶:丁子君|丁子君]] ([[用戶討論:丁子君|對話]]) 二〇一九年七月六日 (六) 一三時一七分 (UTC)
:{{答|丁子君}}然則書於會文討論頁。—[[用戶:Davidzdh|<font color="#008B8B">关山</font>]] ([[User talk:Davidzdh|修書]]) 二〇一九年七月六日 (六) 一三時一九分 (UTC)
== 答 ==
已修复--—[[user:WAN233|<span style="color: #007FFF;">启明</span>]][[user talk:WAN233|(留言)]] 二〇一九年七月八日 (一) 一四時三九分 (UTC)
== Re: ==
感激不盡!--[[用戶:丁子君|丁子君]] ([[用戶討論:丁子君|對話]]) 二〇一九年七月一三日 (六) 〇六時五〇分 (UTC)
== 致司空書 ==
前日溫習學業,因是拙辭為條目,而受君之所稱,自以為幸甚有至,神清氣明也。然某初涉大典,至於法度尺矩莫能詳盡,君言「會文」,何以預之?今不知何所致,陋才姑書于此,如有離規變度之處,望君正之。 [[用戶:皋之夕月|皋之夕月]] ([[用戶討論:皋之夕月|對話]]) 二〇一九年七月一四日 (日) 〇九時五二分 (UTC)
:{{答|皋之夕月}}[https://zh-classical.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E7%B6%AD%E5%9F%BA%E5%A4%A7%E5%85%B8%E8%A8%8E%E8%AB%96:%E6%9C%83%E6%96%87/%E5%B7%B1%E4%BA%A5/%E5%90%8D%E5%86%8A 署名於「與會」段落即可]。而後苟有參會作品,告諸「領矢」段落。古者會文,有投壺之雅趣,大典姑效其投壺,以奬矢代獎勵分數也。—[[用戶:Davidzdh|<font color="#008B8B">关山</font>]] ([[User talk:Davidzdh|修書]]) 二〇一九年七月一四日 (日) 〇九時五八分 (UTC)
== Re: ==
善!--[[用戶:丁子君|丁子君]] ([[用戶討論:丁子君|對話]]) 二〇一九年七月一八日 (四) 一三時二〇分 (UTC)
== 請封S1e2e3 ==
為Jessechi傀儡。--[[用戶:Outlookxp|Outlookxp]] ([[用戶討論:Outlookxp|討論]]) 二〇一九年八月二三日 (五) 二三時一八分 (UTC)
:{{畢}}。—[[用戶:Davidzdh|<font color="#008B8B">关山</font>]] ([[User talk:Davidzdh|修書]]) 二〇一九年八月二五日 (日) 〇二時一五分 (UTC)
== 關[[稿:嘉義市]]文之文白夾雜處 ==
你好,[[稿:嘉義市]]之目文白夾雜處,業已修文完成,且已將稿文貼回[[嘉義市]]之目,請審修之。[[用戶:Ketsu1213|Ketsu1213]] ([[用戶討論:Ketsu1213|修書]]) 二〇一九年九月二〇日 (五) 〇三時四七分 (UTC)[[用戶:Ketsu1213|Ketsu1213]] ([[用戶討論:Ketsu1213|修書]])
另請閣下審[[臺灣省]]之目。[[用戶:Ketsu1213|Ketsu1213]] ([[用戶討論:Ketsu1213|修書]]) 二〇一九年九月二〇日 (五) 〇三時五一分 (UTC)[[用戶:Ketsu1213|Ketsu1213]]
:{{ping|Ketsu1213}}{{畢}}。—[[用戶:Davidzdh|<font color="#008B8B">关山</font>]] ([[User talk:Davidzdh|修書]]) 二〇一九年九月二〇日 (五) 〇六時五一分 (UTC)
:{{ping|Davidzdh}}[[嘉義市]]之目加入依據,請閣下審之。並提正典。[[用戶:Ketsu1213|Ketsu1213]] ([[用戶討論:Ketsu1213|修書]]) 二〇一九年九月二九日 (日) 〇二時三三分 (UTC)———[[用戶:Ketsu1213|Ketsu1213]]
::{{ping|Ketsu1213}}{{畢}}。—[[用戶:Davidzdh|<font color="#008B8B">关山</font>]] ([[User talk:Davidzdh|修書]]) 二〇一九年九月二九日 (日) 〇三時五五分 (UTC)
== 請審修[[臺灣省]] 之目 ==
你好,[[臺灣省]]文之文白夾雜處,業已修文雅正,請審修之。若尚有白話之處,請修之。[[用戶:Ketsu1213|Ketsu1213]] ([[用戶討論:Ketsu1213|討論]]) 二〇一九年九月二五日 (三) 〇七時五三分 (UTC)[[用戶:Ketsu1213|Ketsu1213]]
另請審[[中華民國福建省]]之目、[[中華民國連江縣]]之目與[[中華民國]]之目。[[用戶:Ketsu1213|Ketsu1213]] ([[用戶討論:Ketsu1213|討論]]) 二〇一九年九月二五日 (三) 〇七時五八分 (UTC)[[用戶:Ketsu1213|Ketsu1213]]
你好,想問閣下,[[臺灣省]]之目文白相雜處業已修之,可否撤去其文白相雜之分類?[[用戶:Ketsu1213|Ketsu1213]] ([[用戶討論:Ketsu1213|修書]]) 二〇一九年一〇月八日 (二) 二三時一二分 (UTC)[[用戶:Ketsu1213|Ketsu1213]]
你好,[[臺灣省]]之目文白相雜之分類業已撤去,若有不妥,請論之。[[用戶:Ketsu1213|Ketsu1213]] ([[用戶討論:Ketsu1213|修書]]) 二〇一九年一〇月一一日 (五) 〇九時一五分 (UTC)[[用戶:Ketsu1213|Ketsu1213]]
== [[臺南市]] 之目 ==
你好![[臺南市]] 之目稍有修之。請審之。[[用戶:Ketsu1213|Ketsu1213]] ([[用戶討論:Ketsu1213|修書]]) 二〇一九年一〇月一日 (二) 〇一時五七分 (UTC)[[用戶:Ketsu1213|Ketsu1213]]
:{{ping|Ketsu1213}}{{畢}}。—[[用戶:Davidzdh|<font color="#008B8B">关山</font>]] ([[User talk:Davidzdh|修書]]) 二〇一九年一〇月一日 (二) 〇三時五〇分 (UTC)
你好![[新竹市]] 、[[北港鎮]]、[[中華民國憲法]]之目稍有修之。請審之。另[[中華民國地方]]之目業已完成。亦請審之。[[用戶:Ketsu1213|Ketsu1213]] ([[用戶討論:Ketsu1213|討論]]) 二〇一九年一〇月六日 (日) 〇六時〇七分 (UTC)[[用戶:Ketsu1213|Ketsu1213]]
== 請評選卓著正典 ==
你好!請閣下至[[維基大典:評選卓著正典]]之頁面評選[[中華民國地方]]、[[嘉義市]]之目。[[用戶:Ketsu1213|Ketsu1213]] ([[用戶討論:Ketsu1213|討論]]) 二〇一九年一〇月一四日 (一) 二三時四〇分 (UTC)[[用戶:Ketsu1213|Ketsu1213]]
== 修[[香港民主派]]一文 ==
可助吾察[[香港民主派]]一文乎?若文白交雜已正,可刪「文白交雜」模板;未可者,請君查吾文,示吾有誤之處也。吾乃學生,年未十五,故不工文言,請師助吾。 --[[用戶:數神|數神]] 二〇一九年十月十八日(二) 〇七時三三分(UTC)
== Wikipedia Asian Month 2019 ==
<div style="border:8px orange ridge;padding:6px;>
[[File:Wikipedia Asian Month Logo.svg|right|frameless]]
::<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
Thank you for organizing '''Wikipedia Asian Month 2019''' for your local Wikipedia language. For rules and guidelines, refer to [[:m:Wikipedia Asian Month 2019/Organiser Guidelines|this page]] on Meta. To reach out for support for the contest or ask any query, reach out to us on our [[:m:Talk:Wikipedia Asian Month 2019|Contact Us]] page. Our [[:m:Wikipedia Asian Month 2019/International Team|International Team]] will be assisting you through out the contest duration. Thank you for your efforts in making this project successful.
Best wishes,
[[:m:Wikipedia Asian Month 2019/International Team|WAM 2019 International Team]]
::::Stay Updated [[File:B&W Facebook icon.png|link=https://www.facebook.com/wikiasianmonth/|50x50px]]&nbsp; [[File:B&W Twitter icon.png|link=https://twitter.com/wikiasianmonth|50x50px]]
--[[用戶:MediaWiki message delivery|MediaWiki message delivery]] ([[用戶討論:MediaWiki message delivery|討論]]) 二〇一九年一一月二日 (六) 一一時四六分 (UTC)
<!-- 訊息由 User:Tiven2240@metawiki 傳送,使用清單於 https://meta.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?title=User:Tiven2240/WAM&oldid=19515825 -->
== Extension of Wikipedia Asian Month contest ==
In consideration of a week-long internet block in Iran, [[:m:Wikipedia Asian Month 2019|Wikipedia Asian Month 2019]] contest has been extended for a week past November. The articles submitted till 7th December 2019, 23:59 UTC will be accepted by the fountain tools of the participating wikis.
Please help us translate and spread this message in your local language.
[[:m:Wikipedia Asian Month 2019/International Team|Wikipedia Asian Month international team]].
--[[用戶:MediaWiki message delivery|MediaWiki message delivery]] ([[用戶討論:MediaWiki message delivery|討論]]) 二〇一九年一一月二七日 (三) 一四時一二分 (UTC)
<!-- 訊息由 User:Tiven2240@metawiki 傳送,使用清單於 https://meta.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?title=User:Tiven2240/WAM&oldid=19592097 -->
== What's Next (WAM)! ==
Congratulations! The Wikipedia Asian Month has ended successfully and you've done amazing work of organizing. What we've got and what's next?
*We have a total of 10,186 articles made during this edition and it's the highest of all time.
*Make sure you judge all articles before December 20th, Once you finish the judging, please update [[:m:Wikipedia Asian Month 2019/Status|this page]].
*There will be two round of address collection scheduled: December 22th and December 27th 2019.
*Please report the local Wikipedia Asian Ambassador (who has most accepted articles) on [[:m:Wikipedia Asian Month 2019/Ambassadors|this page]], if the 2nd participants have more than 30 accepted articles, you will have two ambassadors.
*In case you wondering how can you use the WAM tool (Fountain) in your own contest, contact the developer [[user:Ле Лой|Le Loy]] for more information.
Best wishes,
[[:Wikipedia Asian Month 2019/International Team|Wikipedia Asian Month International Team]]
--[[用戶:MediaWiki message delivery|MediaWiki message delivery]]([[用戶討論:MediaWiki message delivery|討論]]) 二〇一九年一二月一四日 (六) 一七時三〇分 (UTC)
<!-- 訊息由 User:Tiven2240@metawiki 傳送,使用清單於 https://meta.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?title=User:Tiven2240/WAM&oldid=19638067 -->
== WAM 2019 Postcard ==
Dear Participants and Organizers,
It's WAM's honor to have you all participated in [[:m:Wikipedia Asian Month 2019|Wikipedia Asian Month 2019]], the fifth edition of WAM. Your achievements were fabulous, and all the articles you created make the world can know more about Asia in different languages!
Here we, the WAM International team, would like to say thank you for your contribution also cheer for you that you are eligible for the postcard of Wikipedia Asian Month 2019.
Please kindly fill [https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdX75AmuQcIpt2BmiTSNKt5kLfMMJUePLzGcbg5ouUKQFNF5A/viewform the form], let the postcard can send to you asap!
Thank you and best regards,
[[:m:Wikipedia Asian Month 2019/International Team|Wikipedia Asian Month International Team]]
--[[用戶:MediaWiki message delivery|MediaWiki message delivery]]([[用戶討論:MediaWiki message delivery|討論]]) 二〇二〇年一月三日 (五) 〇八時一六分 (UTC)
<!-- 訊息由 User:Tiven2240@metawiki 傳送,使用清單於 https://meta.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?title=Global_message_delivery/Targets/WAM_2019_Postcard&oldid=19671656 -->
== WAM 2019 Postcard ==
[[File:Wikipedia Asian Month Logo.svg|right|200px|Wikipedia Asian Month 2019|link=:m:Wikipedia Asian Month 2019]]
Dear Participants and Organizers,
Kindly remind you that we only collect the information for [[:m:Wikipedia Asian Month 2019|WAM]] postcard 31/01/2019 UTC 23:59. If you haven't filled [https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdX75AmuQcIpt2BmiTSNKt5kLfMMJUePLzGcbg5ouUKQFNF5A/viewform the google form], please fill it asap. If you already completed the form, please stay tun, wait for the postcard and tracking emails.
Thank you and best regards,
[[:m:Wikipedia Asian Month 2019/International Team|Wikipedia Asian Month International Team]] 2020.01
[[用戶:MediaWiki message delivery|MediaWiki message delivery]]([[用戶討論:MediaWiki message delivery|討論]]) 二〇二〇年一月二〇日 (一) 二〇時五八分 (UTC)
<!-- 訊息由 User:-revi@metawiki 傳送,使用清單於 https://meta.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?title=Global_message_delivery/Targets/WAM_2019_Postcard&oldid=19732202 -->
== WAM 2019 Postcard: All postcards are postponed due to the postal system shut down ==
[[File:Wikipedia Asian Month Logo.svg|right|200px|Wikipedia Asian Month 2019|link=:m:Wikipedia Asian Month 2019]]
Dear all participants and organizers,
Since the outbreak of COVID-19, all the postcards are postponed due to the shut down of the postal system all over the world. Hope all the postcards can arrive as soon as the postal system return and please take good care.
Best regards,
[[:m:Wikipedia Asian Month 2019/International Team|Wikipedia Asian Month International Team]] 2020.03
<!-- 訊息由 User:Aldnonymous@metawiki 傳送,使用清單於 https://meta.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?title=Global_message_delivery/Targets/WAM_2019_Postcard&oldid=19882731 -->
== Digital Postcards and Certifications ==
[[File:Wikipedia_Asian_Month_Logo.svg|link=M:Wikipedia_Asian_Month_2019|right|217x217px|Wikipedia Asian Month 2019]]
Dear Participants and Organizers,
Because of the COVID19 pandemic, there are a lot of countries’ international postal systems not reopened yet. We would like to send all the participants digital postcards and digital certifications for organizers to your email account in the upcoming weeks. For the paper ones, we will track the latest status of the international postal systems of all the countries and hope the postcards and certifications can be delivered to your mailboxes as soon as possible.
Take good care and wish you all the best.
<small>This message was sent by [[:m:Wikipedia Asian Month 2019/International Team|Wikipedia Asian Month International Team]] via [[用戶:MediaWiki message delivery|MediaWiki message delivery]]([[用戶討論:MediaWiki message delivery|討論]]) 二〇二〇年六月二〇日 (六) 一八時五八分 (UTC)</small>
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