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*[http://www.jerusalem.muni.il/jer_main/defaultnew.asp?lng=2 Official website of Jerusalem Municipality]
*[http://www.jerusalemp3.com/ Jerusalemp3], offers free virtual tours in mp3 format from the Jerusalem Municipality
*[http://www.mfa.gov.il/MFA/MFAArchive/1980_1989/Basic%20Law-%20Jerusalem-%20Capital%20of%20Israel ''Basic Law: Jerusalem, Capital of Israel, Government of Israel''], the Israeli law making Jerusalem the capital of Israel
*[http://www.imj.org.il/ Israel Museum], one of Jerusalem's premier art museums
*[http://www.yadvashem.org/ Yad Vashem], Israeli memorial to victims of The Holocaust
*[http://www.huji.ac.il/huji/eng/index_e.htm Hebrew University of Jerusalem], Jerusalem's foremost institution of higher learning
*[http://www.jerusalem.muni.il/jer_sys/map2000_eng/first1.asp Modern-day map of Jerusalem], from City of Jerusalem.
*[http://maps-of-jerusalem.huji.ac.il/ Ancient Maps of Jerusalem], from the Jewish National Library at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem
*[http://www.israelstarnews.com/maps-of-jerusalem/ Maps of Jerusalem], from Israel Star News